JmgStampTypeSpecEnum Enumeration
Help Text: Specification of the registration type
Style: ComboBox
Name | Value | Description |
Work | 0 | Working time |
AbsLegal | 1 | Legal absence |
AbsIllegal | 2 | Illegal absence |
AbsLegalFlex | 3 | Flex-reducing absence |
AbsIllegalFlex | 4 | Flex-reducing illegal absence |
AbsNotSpec | 5 | Not a specified absence |
BreakNoPayFlow | 6 | Not a paid registered break |
BreakPayFlow | 7 | Paid registered break |
BreakDropOne | 8 | Cancel one break |
BreakDropAll | 9 | Cancel all breaks |
FlexNoWork | 10 | Work-free flex zone |
Error | 11 | Error |
SignIn | 12 | Clock in |
SignOut | 13 | Clock out |