WHSWaveMethodStatus::createOrUpdateWaveMethodStatus Method
Creates or updates the method status.
client server public static WHSWaveMethodStatus createOrUpdateWaveMethodStatus(
WHSWaveId _waveId,
WHSPostMethodName _methodName,
[boolean _stripClassName,
RefRecId _parentRecId,
WHSExecutedSteps _executedSteps,
WHSTotalSteps _totalSteps,
WHSMethodStartDateTime _startDateTime])
Run On
- _waveId
Type: WHSWaveId Extended Data Type
The wave ID that the method status is created or updated for.
- _methodName
Type: WHSPostMethodName Extended Data Type
The method name.
- _stripClassName
Type: boolean
A Boolean value that defines if the class name should be stripped from the method name; optional.
- _parentRecId
Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
The parent record ID.
- _executedSteps
Type: WHSExecutedSteps Extended Data Type
The number of executed steps.
- _totalSteps
Type: WHSTotalSteps Extended Data Type
The number of total steps.
- _startDateTime
Type: WHSMethodStartDateTime Extended Data Type
The started date and time; optional.
Return Value
Type: WHSWaveMethodStatus Table
The WHSWaveMethodStatus record.