ProjProposalRevenueDetail.updateRevenueSalesPrice Method
Updates the proposal summary, transaction header, and transaction details tables for the specified transaction ID.
public void updateRevenueSalesPrice(
ProjProposalId _projProposalId,
TransactionID _transId,
ProjFundingSourceRefId _fundingSourceRefId,
AmountCur _newSalesPrice,
AmountCur _oldSalesPrice,
Amount _lineAmount)
Run On
- _projProposalId
Type: ProjProposalId Extended Data Type
Proposal Id of the invoice proposal which needs to be updated.
- _transId
Type: TransactionID Extended Data Type
Transaction id of the transaction which needs to be updated.
- _fundingSourceRefId
Type: ProjFundingSourceRefId Extended Data Type
Contract funding source.
- _newSalesPrice
Type: AmountCur Extended Data Type
The wew sales price.
- _oldSalesPrice
Type: AmountCur Extended Data Type
The original sales price
- _lineAmount
Type: Amount Extended Data Type
The new line amount.