AssetDepBookTrans::amountMSTPerDateTransTypes Method
Gets the sum of the transactions from the AssetDepBookTrans table for the specified transaction types and asset information.
client server public static AmountMST amountMSTPerDateTransTypes(
AssetId _assetId,
AssetDepreciationBookId _assetDepreciationBookId,
container _assetTransTypes,
TransDate _fromTransDate,
TransDate _toTransDate,
[AssetJournalId _journalIdToExclude])
Run On
- _assetId
Type: AssetId Extended Data Type
The ID of the asset.
- _assetDepreciationBookId
Type: AssetDepreciationBookId Extended Data Type
The ID of the depreciation book
- _assetTransTypes
Type: container
A container that contains the transaction types to include in the calculation.
- _fromTransDate
Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
The starting date for the sum.
- _toTransDate
Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
The ending date for the sum.
- _journalIdToExclude
Type: AssetJournalId Extended Data Type
The journal to exclude from the sum; optional.
Return Value
Type: AmountMST Extended Data Type
A sum of the transactions from the AssetDepBookTrans table.