.gif) |
ODataAction |
Represents an OData action. |
.gif) |
ODataAnnotatable |
Represents the base class for all annotatable types in OData library. |
.gif) |
ODataAssociationLink |
Represents an association link. |
.gif) |
ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage |
Displays a message representing an operation in a batch request. |
.gif) |
ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage |
Displays a message representing an operation in a batch response. |
.gif) |
ODataBatchReader |
Represents a class for reading OData batch messages; also verifies the proper sequence of read calls on the reader. |
.gif) |
ODataBatchWriter |
Writes OData batch messages; also verifies the proper sequence of write calls on the writer. |
.gif) |
ODataCollectionReader |
Represents the base class for OData collection readers. |
.gif) |
ODataCollectionStart |
OData representation of a top-level collection. |
.gif) |
ODataCollectionValue |
OData representation of a Collection. |
.gif) |
ODataCollectionWriter |
Represents the base class for OData collection writers. |
.gif) |
ODataComplexValue |
Represents the OData complex value. |
.gif) |
ODataConstants |
Constant values used by the OData or HTTP protocol or OData library. |
.gif) |
ODataContentTypeException |
Exception type representing exception when Content-Type of a message is not supported. |
.gif) |
ODataEntityReferenceLink |
Represents an OData entity reference link. |
.gif) |
ODataEntityReferenceLinks |
Represents a collection of entity reference links. |
.gif) |
ODataEntry |
Represents a single entity. |
.gif) |
ODataError |
Represents an error payload. |
.gif) |
ODataErrorException |
Represents an in-stream error parsed when reading a payload. |
.gif) |
ODataException |
Represents an exception in the OData library. |
.gif) |
ODataFeed |
Describes a collection of entities. |
.gif) |
ODataFormat |
Enumerates the format type in connection to processing OData payloads. |
.gif) |
ODataFunction |
Represents an OData function. |
.gif) |
ODataInnerError |
Contains properties used to implement specific debugging information to help determine the cause of the error. |
.gif) |
ODataItem |
Represents the base class for ODataFeed and ODataEntry classes. |
.gif) |
ODataMessageQuotas |
Quotas to use for limiting resource consumption when reading or writing OData messages. |
.gif) |
ODataMessageReader |
Represents the reader class used to read all OData payloads (entries, feeds, metadata documents, service documents, and so on). |
.gif) |
ODataMessageReaderSettings |
Represents the configuration settings for OData message readers. |
.gif) |
ODataMessageWriter |
Represents the writer class used to write all OData payloads (entries, feeds, metadata documents, service documents, and so on). |
.gif) |
ODataMessageWriterSettings |
Represents the configuration settings for OData message writers. |
.gif) |
ODataNavigationLink |
Represents a single link. |
.gif) |
ODataOperation |
Represents a function or an action. |
.gif) |
ODataParameterReader |
Base class for OData parameter readers. |
.gif) |
ODataParameterWriter |
Base class for OData collection writers. |
.gif) |
ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult |
Represents the result of running payload kind detection for a specified payload kind and format. |
.gif) |
ODataProperty |
Represents a single property of an entry. |
.gif) |
ODataReader |
Represents the base class for OData readers. |
.gif) |
ODataResourceCollectionInfo |
Represents a class that contains collection of information about a resource in a workspace of a data service. |
.gif) |
ODataStreamReferenceValue |
Represents a media resource. |
.gif) |
ODataUtils |
Represents the utility methods used with the OData library. |
.gif) |
ODataWorkspace |
Represents the workspace of a data service. |
.gif) |
ODataWriter |
Represents a base class for OData writers. |
.gif) |
ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation |
Represents an annotation which stores a list of projected properties for an entry. |
.gif) |
SerializationTypeNameAnnotation |
Annotation which stores the type name to serialize. |