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This topic describes how and when to extend the WPF animation system by creating custom key frames, animation classes, or by using per-frame callback to bypass it.


To understand this topic, you should be familiar with the different types of animations provided by the WPF. For more information, see the Visão geral sobre animações de/para/por, the Visão geral de animações de Quadro-Chave, and the Visão Geral de Animações de Caminho.

Because the animation classes inherit from the Freezable class, you should be familiar with Freezable objects and how to inherit from Freezable. Para obter mais informações, consulte o Visão geral sobre objetos Freezable.

Extending the Animation System

There are a number of ways to extend the WPF animation system, depending on the level of built-in functionality you want to use. There are three primary extensibility points in the WPF animation engine:

  • Create a custom key frame object by inheriting from one of the *<Type>*KeyFrame classes, such as DoubleKeyFrame. This approach uses most of the built-in functionality of the WPF animation engine.

  • Create your own animation class by inheriting from AnimationTimeline or one of the *<Type>*AnimationBase classes.

  • Use per-frame callback to generate animations on a per-frame basis. This approach completely bypasses the animation and timing system.

The following table describes some the scenarios for extending the animation system.

When you want to...

Use this approach

Customize the interpolation between values of a type that has a corresponding <Type>AnimationUsingKeyFrames

Create a custom key frame. For more information, see the Create a Custom Key Frame section.

Customize more than just the interpolation between values of a type that has a corresponding <Type>Animation.

Create a custom animation class that inherits from the <Type>AnimationBase class that corresponds to the type you want to animate. For more information, see the Create a Custom Animation Class section.

Animate a type that has no corresponding WPF animation

Use an ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames or create a class that inherits from AnimationTimeline. For more information, see the Create a Custom Animation Class section.

Animate multiple objects with values that are computed each frame and are based on the last set of object interactions

Use per-frame callback. For more information, see the Create a Use Per-Frame Callback section.

Create a Custom Key Frame

Creating a custom key frame class is the simplest way to extend the animation system. Use this approach when you want to a different interpolation method for a key-frame animation. As described in the Visão geral de animações de Quadro-Chave, a key-frame animation uses key frame objects to generate its output values. Each key frame object performs three functions:

  • Specifies a target value using its Value property.

  • Specifies the time at which that value should be reached using its KeyTime property.

  • Interpolates between the value of the previous key frame and its own value by implementing the InterpolateValueCore method.

Implementation Instructions

Derive from the *<Type>*KeyFrame abstract class and implement the InterpolateValueCore method. The InterpolateValueCore method returns the current value of the key frame. Ele usa dois parâmetros: o valor do quadro-chave anterior e um valor de progresso que varia de 0 a 1. Uma progresso 0 indica o quadro-chave foi iniciado e um valor 1 indica que o quadro-chave acabou de ser concluída e deve retornar o valor especificado pelo seu Value propriedade.

Because the *<Type>*KeyFrame classes inherit from the Freezable class, you must also override CreateInstanceCore core to return a new instance of your class. If the class does not use dependency properties to store its data or it requires extra initialization after creation, you might need to override additional methods; see the Visão geral sobre objetos Freezable for more information.

After you've created your custom *<Type>*KeyFrame animation, you can use it with the *<Type>*AnimationUsingKeyFrames for that type.

Create a Custom Animation Class

Creating your own animation type gives you more control over how an object in animated. Há duas maneiras recomendadas para criar seu próprio tipo de animação: Você pode derivar a partir de AnimationTimeline classe ou o *<Type>*AnimationBase classe. Deriving from the *<Type>*Animation or *<Type>*AnimationUsingKeyFrames classes is not recommended.

Derive from <Type>AnimationBase

Deriving from a *<Type>*AnimationBase class is the simplest way to create a new animation type. Use this approach when you want to create a new animation for type that already has a corresponding *<Type>*AnimationBase class.

Implementation Instructions

Derive from a *<Type>*Animation class and implement the GetCurrentValueCore method. The GetCurrentValueCore method returns the current value of the animation. Ele usa três parâmetros: um valor de partida sugerido, um valor final sugerido e um AnimationClock, que você pode usar para determinar o progresso da animação.

Because the *<Type>*AnimationBase classes inherit from the Freezable class, you must also override CreateInstanceCore core to return a new instance of your class. If the class does not use dependency properties to store its data or it requires extra initialization after creation, you might need to override additional methods; see the Visão geral sobre objetos Freezable for more information.

For more information, see the GetCurrentValueCore method documentation for the *<Type>*AnimationBase class for the type that you want to animate. Por exemplo, consulte o Amostra de animação personalizada

Alternative Approaches

If you simply want to change how animation values are interpolated, considering deriving from one of the *<Type>*KeyFrame classes. The key frame you create can be used with the corresponding *<Type>*AnimationUsingKeyFrames provided by WPF.

Derive from AnimationTimeline

Derive from the AnimationTimeline class when you want to create an animation for a type that doesn't already have a matching WPF animation, or you want to create an animation that is not strongly typed.

Implementation Instructions

Derive from the AnimationTimeline class and override the following members:

  • CreateInstanceCore – If your new class is concrete, you must override CreateInstanceCore to return a new instance of your class.

  • GetCurrentValue – Override this method to return the current value of your animation. Ele usa três parâmetros: um valor de origem do padrão, um valor de destino padrão e um AnimationClock. Use the AnimationClock to obtain the current time or progress for the animation. You can choose whether to use the default origin and destination values.

  • IsDestinationDefault – Override this property to indicate whether your animation uses the default destination value specified by the GetCurrentValue method.

  • TargetPropertyType – Override this property to indicate the Type of output your animation produces.

If the class does not use dependency properties to store its data or it requires extra initialization after creation, you might need to override additional methods; see the Visão geral sobre objetos Freezable for more information.

The recommended paradigm (used by WPF animations) is to use two inheritance levels:

  1. Create an abstract *<Type>*AnimationBase class that derives from AnimationTimeline. This class should override the TargetPropertyType method. It should also introduce a new abstract method, GetCurrentValueCore, and override GetCurrentValue so that it validates the types of the default origin value and default destination value parameters, then calls GetCurrentValueCore.

  2. Create another class that inherits from your new *<Type>*AnimationBase class and overrides the CreateInstanceCore method, the GetCurrentValueCore method that you introduced, and the IsDestinationDefault property.

Alternative Approaches

If you want to animate a type that has no corresponding From/To/By animation or key-frame animation, consider using an ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames. Because it is weakly typed, an ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames can animate any type of value. The drawback to this approach is that ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames only supports discrete interpolation.

Use Per-Frame Callback

Use essa abordagem quando você precisa ignorar completamente a WPF sistema de animação. One scenario for this approach is physics animations, where at each animation step a new direction or position of animated objects needs to be recomputed based on the last set of object interactions.

Implementation Instructions

Unlike the other approaches described in this overview, to use per-frame callback you don't need to create a custom animation or key frame class.

Instead, you register for the Rendering event of the object that contains the objects you want to animate. This event handler method gets called once per frame. Each time that WPF marshals the persisted rendering data in the visual tree across to the composition tree, your event handler method is called.

In your event handler, perform your whatever calculations necessary for your animation effect and set the properties of the objects you want to animate with these values.

To obtain the presentation time of the current frame, the EventArgs associated with this event can be cast as RenderingEventArgs, which provide a RenderingTime property that you can use to obtain the current frame's rendering time.

For more information, see the Rendering page.

Consulte também





Visão geral de técnicas de animação de propriedades

Visão geral sobre objetos Freezable

Visão geral sobre animações de/para/por

Visão geral de animações de Quadro-Chave

Visão Geral de Animações de Caminho

Revisão de Animação

Visão Geral de Animação e Sistema de Tempo

Outros recursos

Amostra de animação personalizada