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ICorDebugType Interface

Represents a type, either basic or complex (that is, user-defined). If the type is generic, ICorDebugType represents the instantiated generic type.

interface ICorDebugType : IUnknown {
    HRESULT EnumerateTypeParameters (
        [out] ICorDebugTypeEnum  **ppTyParEnum
    HRESULT GetBase (
        [out] ICorDebugType      **pBase
    HRESULT GetClass (
        [out] ICorDebugClass     **ppClass
    HRESULT GetFirstTypeParameter (
        [out] ICorDebugType      **value
    HRESULT GetRank (
        [out] ULONG32            *pnRank
    HRESULT GetStaticFieldValue (
        [in] mdFieldDef          fieldDef,
        [in] ICorDebugFrame      *pFrame,
        [out] ICorDebugValue     **ppValue
    HRESULT GetType (
        [out] CorElementType     *ty


Method Description

ICorDebugType::EnumerateTypeParameters Method

Gets an interface pointer to an ICorDebugTypeEnum Interface that references the generic Type parameters of the class referenced by this ICorDebugType.

ICorDebugType::GetBase Method

Gets an interface pointer to an ICorDebugType that references the base class of the class referenced by this ICorDebugType, if one exists.

ICorDebugType::GetClass Method

Gets an interface pointer to an ICorDebugClass Interface that references the typed constructor of this ICorDebugType.

ICorDebugType::GetFirstTypeParameter Method

Gets an interface pointer to an ICorDebugType that references the first generic Type parameter for the constructor of the class referenced by this ICorDebugType.

ICorDebugType::GetRank Method

Gets the number of dimensions in an array type.

ICorDebugType::GetStaticFieldValue Method

Gets an interface pointer to an ICorDebugValue Interface that contains the value of the static field referenced by the specified field token in the specified stack frame.

ICorDebugType::GetType Method

Gets a CorElementType Enumeration value that describes the native type of the common language runtime Type referenced by this ICorDebugType.


If the type is generic, ICorDebugClass Interface represents the uninstantiated type. The ICorDebugType interface represents an instantiated generic type. For example, Hashtable<K, V> would be represented by ICorDebugClass Interface, whereas Hashtable<Int32, String> would be represented by ICorDebugType.

Non-generic types are represented by both ICorDebugClass Interface and ICorDebugType. The latter interface was introduced in the .NET Framework version 2.0 to deal with type instantiation.


Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family

Header: CorDebug.idl

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Version: 2.0

See Also

Other Resources

Debugging Interfaces