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Microsoft.Web.Services3.Messaging.Configuration Namespace

The set of classes that handle the configuration file settings associated with sending and receiving SOAP messages.


Class Description
AllowRedirectedResponseConfigElement Represents the <allowRedirectedResponses> element that specifies whether responses can be redirected to a FaultTo or ReplyTo header.
DefaultPortConfigElement Represents the <defaultPort> Element that specifies a value indicating the default port for a connection.
ExecutionTimeoutConfigElement Represents the <executionTimeoutInSeconds> Element that specifies the maximum amount of time that it takes to process a SOAP message using the TCP protocol.
IdleTimeoutConfigElement Represents the <idleTimeoutInMilliSeconds> Element that specifies the time before an idle connection will be closed when receiving SOAP messages using the TCP protocol.
MaxMessageLengthConfigElement Represents the <maxMessageLength> Element that specifies the maximum size for incoming SOAP messages.
MessagingConfiguration Used to store configuration information related to SOAP transport schemes.
MessagingConfiguration.Schemes Represents the transport schemes that are supported by WSE.
MessagingTransportConfiguration Represents the <transports> Element that controls the SOAP transport settings for the Microsoft Web Services Enhancements.
MessagingTransportsCollection Represents a collection of MessagingTransportConfiguration objects
MtomConfigElement Specifies whether a SOAP messages are encoded using the SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM).
TimeoutConfigElement Represents the <timeout> configuration element.
TransportConnectionLimit Represents the <connectionLimit> Element that specifies the maximum number of connections made to and from an application that sends and/or receives SOAP messages using the TCP protocol.
TransportHosts Represents the <host> element that specifies which clients are allowed or denied access to a Web service.


Enumeration Description
MtomReceiveMode Specifies whether the Web service supports the MTOM specification.
MtomSendMode Specifies the default for whether Web services clients send SOAP messages that are MTOM encoded.