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Interface ITestPlanHelper


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Namespace:   Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client (em Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.dll)


public interface ITestPlanHelper
public interface class ITestPlanHelper
type ITestPlanHelper = interface end
Public Interface ITestPlanHelper


Nome Descrição
System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginCloneOperation(Int32, ITestPlan, List<Int32>, String, CloneOptions)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Create()

Creates a new test plan.

System_CAPS_pubmethod FetchCloneInformation(Int32)

System_CAPS_pubmethod FetchPlanIdsWithCloneHistory()

System_CAPS_pubmethod Find(Int32)

Retrieves the specified test plan from the server.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetCloneOperationInformation(Int32)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Query(String)

Returns a list of test plans that match the provided work item query language (WIQL) query.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Query(String, IDictionary)

Returns a list of test plans that match the provided query and properties.


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Consulte também

Namespace Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client

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