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Working With the Registration Web Part

The Registration Web Part lets a shopper register on the site and requests all the information necessary to set up an account and a profile for the shopper.

Web Part

The following figure shows the Registration Wed Part.


You can configure the Registration Web Part to use an e-mail address as its unique identifier, or you can configure it to use a unique shopper name. The Registration Web Part also collects the first and last name of the shopper. You can configure the Registration Web Part to use a Challenge-Response question and answer if your shoppers forget their passwords.

Property Sheet

The following figure shows the Registration Web Part property sheet. The Registration Web Part property sheet lets site designers control some aspects of the Web Part's behavior and appearance. The property sheet is displayed by selecting the edit option on the Web Page (in Edit Page mode) and then selecting Modify Shared Web Part. This displays the property sheet. The Registration Web Part property sheet has several fields. Expand the sections to see the relevant properties.



The following table lists and describes the properties for the Registration Web Part.





Answer Label Text


Text to be displayed next to the Security Question field representing the answer to the Security Question.

Security Answer

Answer Required Error Message


If the shopper does not provide an answer to the security question, this text is displayed.

Please enter a security answer.

Complete Label Text


Text displayed when the Registration Web Part information has been properly processed with no errors.

Your account has been successfully created.

Confirm Password Error Message


Text message displayed when the two password fields the shopper entered do not match.

The Password and Confirmation Password must match.

Confirm Password Label Text


Text displayed next to the second password field.

Confirm password:

Confirm Password Required Error Message


Text displayed if a password has not been entered.

Please re-enter the password for confirmation.

Confirm Password Required Tooltip


Text displayed in the password field tooltip.

Please re-enter the password for confirmation.

Continue Button Text


Text displayed on the Continue action button.


Create Button Text


Text displayed on the Create Button action button.

Create Account

First Name Label Text


Text displayed next to the First Name field.

First name:

First Name Required Error Message


Text message displayed if the shopper does not specify a first name.

Please enter your first name.

Header Label Text


Text displays as the Web Part label.

Sign Up for Your New Account

Last Name Label Text


Text displayed next to the Last Name field.

Last name

Last Name Required Error Message


Text message displayed if the shopper does not specify a last name.

Please enter your last name.

Password Label Text


Text displayed next to the password field.


Password Required Error Message


Text displayed if the shopper does not provide a password.

Please enter a password

Password Regular Expression


Sets the allowed characters in a password; any valid regular expression can be used in this field, while the default allows any combination of letters and numbers only.


Question Label Text


Text displayed next to the Security question field.

Security question:

Question Required Error Message


Text displayed when the shopper does not provide a Security question.

Please enter a security question.

User Name Label Text


Text displayed next to the user name field.

Logon name:

User Name Required Error Message


Text displayed if the shopper does not enter a name.

Please enter your Logon name.

User Name Validator Error Message


Text displayed if the shopper name entered does not meet the pattern (such as length, valid characters, and so on); this message can be the same as the User Name required Error Message if you do not want to give clues as to valid user name requirements.

User Name does not meet required pattern.

User Name Validation Expression


A valid regular expression that sets the parameters for valid user names; the expression can set limits on username length, valid characters, and other parameters such as use of mixed case, numbers, and so on.


Registration Wizard Main Duplicate User Name Error Message


The message displayed if the shopper name has already been registered with the system.

The e-mail address is already in use. Please enter a different e-mail address.

Password Strength Not Met Error Message


The message displayed if the password selected by the shopper does not meet the regular expression requirements.

Password strength not met. A valid password must have a minimum of 6 characters, with at least one of each of the following: upper case character, lower case character and number.

Cancel Button Text


Text displayed on the Cancel action button.


Email Label Text


Text displayed next to the email address field.

E-mail Address:

Email Required Error Message


Text displayed if the shopper does not provide an e-mail address.

Please enter your e-mail address

Email Validator Error Message


Text displayed if the e-mail address entered does not meet standard email formats as set by the Email Validator Expression.

Please enter a valid e-mail address

Email Validator Expression


The regular expression that defines valid e-mail addresses.


Post action page URL


The URL to link to after this Web Part has been filled.


The Registration Web Part should be provided on all sites that let a shopper to create a login or account for access.

See Also

Other Resources

Working With the Web Parts

Profile Administration Web Parts

Registration Web Part