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How to Delete Information by Using the Marketing Manager

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

You can use the Commerce Server Marketing Manager to delete three types of information:

  • Campaign items, such as customer information, ads, direct mail items, and discounts. The information that you delete may be restored later. For more information about how to restore deleted campaign items, see How to Restore a Deleted Campaign Item.

  • Expressions and lists.

  • Information in reference tables about content sizes, industry codes, and page groups.

To delete customer information, ads, direct mail items, and discounts

  1. Click Start, point to Microsoft Commerce Server 2007 , and then click Marketing Manager.

  2. In Marketing Manager, in the Views pane, click Campaigns.

  3. In the Tree View pane, click the node that contains the item that you want to delete.

  4. In the Search Results pane, select the item that you want to delete.

  5. In the Tasks pane, click Delete.

  6. In the Delete <item> dialog box, click Yes.

To delete expressions or lists

  1. Click Start, point to Microsoft Commerce Server 2007 , and then click Marketing Manager.

  2. In Marketing Manager, in the Views pane, click Expressions or Lists.

  3. In the Search Results pane, click the expression or list that you want to delete.

  4. In the Tasks pane, click Delete.

  5. In the Delete <item> dialog box, click Yes.

To delete content sizes, industry codes, or page groups

  1. Click Start, point to Microsoft Commerce Server 2007 , and then click Marketing Manager.

  2. In Marketing Manager, in the Views pane, click Reference Tables.

  3. In the Search Results pane, right-click the content size, industry code, or page group that contains the item that you want to delete, and then click Edit.

  4. In the Reference Tables screen, select the item that you want to delete by clicking in the gray area to the left of the item, and then click Remove.

    - or -

    To delete multiple items, press the CTRL key and select the items that you want to delete by clicking in the gray area to the left of the items, and then click Remove.

    - or -

    To delete all items, click Remove All.

  5. Click OK.

See Also

Other Resources

Managing Tasks Common to All Business Management Applications

How to Restore a Deleted Campaign Item

Managing Your Marketing Campaigns

Managing Content Sizes, Industry Codes, and Page Groups

Managing Catalog Expressions

Managing Advertisements

Managing Discounts

Managing Your Customers and Orders

Managing Direct Mail

Managing Lists of Users for Direct Mail

Deleting Information from the Business Management Applications