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Server Requirements for OTA Firmware Update


The OMA DM server must meet all of the general OMA DM server requirements as described in Server Requirements for OMA Device Management.

The following list shows the additional server requirements for Over The Air (OTA) Firmware update for Windows Mobile devices:

  • The server must support the Firmware Update Managed Object (FUMO). It must be able to perform both the following functions:
    1. Create a firmware update object
    2. Send the device both the download URL for the update package and the Exec command for the DownloadAndUpdate node in the FwUpdate Configuration Service Provider
  • The server may optionally support OMA DM FUMO Alternative Download over HTTP.
    For more information about FUMO Alternative Download Mechanism, see the OMA document: Firmware Update Management Object Architecture (OMA-AD-FUMO-V1_0-20060615-C), available from this OMA Web site.
  • The download server may optionally support the HTTP range header to allow checkpoint and restart of downloads.
  • The MIME type specified in the HTTP content type header for the package to be downloaded must specify one of the following:
    application/octet-stream if the URL points to an image update package
    application/vnd.oma.dd+xml if the URL points to a Download Descriptor file.
    For more information about HTTP headers, see the HTTP Response Headers topic and related topics in the Windows Mobile documentation and HTTP 1.1 RFC2616, available from this World Wide Web Consortium Web site.
  • The server must be able to determine the current versions of various ROM segments, also known as ROM packages, on the device. To do this, the server must support querying the current version of the ROM segments by using a Microsoft custom-managed object.

See Also


Understanding OTA Firmware Update