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The CreateEmptyMetadataObject method creates a new IWMDMMetaData interface. This interface is used to set or retrieve metadata properties of a storage.


HRESULT CreateEmptyMetadataObject(IWMDMMetaData**ppMetadata);



[out]  Receives the new IWMDMMetaData interface. The caller must release this interface when done with it.

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. All the interface methods in Windows Media Device Manager can return any of the following classes of error codes:

  • Standard COM error codes
  • Windows error codes converted to HRESULT values
  • Windows Media Device Manager error codes

For an extenstive list of possible error codes, see Error Codes.

Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Value Description
S_OK The method succeeded.


The metadata interface created is not implicitly connected to the storage that created it; it is merely an empty metadata container. You must submit the interface to a method to set or retrieve metadata values.

Example Code

The following C++ function sends a file to a device. As part of the transfer, it must add metadata to the storage to specify the new storage type.

HRESULT mySendFile(LPCWSTR pwszFileName, IWMDMStorage* pStorage, IWMDMOperation* pOperation)
   HRESULT hr = S_OK;

   // A dummy loop to handle unrecoverable errors. When we hit an error we
   // can't handle or don't like, we just use a 'break' statement.
   // The custom BREAK_HR macro checks for failed HRESULT values and does this.
      if (pwszFileName == NULL || pStorage == NULL)
         BREAK_HR(E_POINTER,"","Bad pointer passed in.");
         return E_POINTER;

      // Make sure the destination is a folder.
      DWORD attributes = 0;
      _WAVEFORMATEX format;
      hr = pStorage->GetAttributes(&attributes, &format);
      if (!(attributes | WMDM_FILE_ATTR_FOLDER))
         BREAK_HR(E_FAIL, "", "Storage submitted to mySendFile is not a folder.");
         return E_FAIL;

      // Transcode the file
      hr = myTranscodeMethod(pwszFileName);
      BREAK_HR(hr, "Couldn't transcode the file in mySendFile.", "Transcoded the file in mySendFile.");
      // Let's set some metadata in the storage.
      CComPtr<IWMDMStorage3> pStorage3;
      hr = pStorage->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IWMDMStorage3), (void**)(&pStorage3));
      BREAK_HR(hr, "Got an IWMDMStorage3 interface in mySendFile.","Couldn't get an IWMDMStorage3 in mySendFile.");

      // First create the IWMDMMetaData interface.
      IWMDMMetaData* pMetadata;
      hr = pStorage3->CreateEmptyMetadataObject(&pMetadata);
      BREAK_HR(hr,"Created an IWMDMMetaData interface in mySendFile.","Couldn't create an IWMDMMetaData interface in mySendFile.");

      // Set the file format.
      WMDM_FORMATCODE fileFormat = myGetWMDM_FORMATCODE(pwszFileName);
      hr = pMetadata->AddItem(WMDM_TYPE_DWORD, g_wszWMDMFormatCode, (BYTE*)&fileFormat, sizeof(WMDM_TYPE_DWORD));

      // Get the proper interface and transfer the file.
      CComPtr<IWMDMStorageControl3> pStgCtl3;
      CComPtr<IWMDMStorage> pNewStorage;
      hr = pStorage->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IWMDMStorageControl3),(void**)(&pStgCtl3));

      // Get the simple file name to use for the destination file.
      wstring destFile = pwszFileName;
      destFile = destFile.substr(destFile.find_last_of(L"\\") + 1);

      // Get a progress indicator.
      CComQIPtr<IWMDMProgress> pProgress(this);

      // Set the flags for the operation
      UINT flags = WMDM_MODE_BLOCK | // Synchronous call. 
         WMDM_STORAGECONTROL_INSERTINTO | // Insert it into the destination folder.
         WMDM_CONTENT_FILE | // We're inserting a file.
         WMDM_FILE_CREATE_OVERWRITE; // Overwrite existing files.
      if (pOperation != NULL)

      // Send the file and metadata.
      hr = pStgCtl3->Insert3(
         WMDM_FILE_ATTR_FOLDER, // The current storage is a folder.
         const_cast<WCHAR*>(pwszFileName), // Source file.
         NULL, // Destination file name.
         pOperation, // Null to allow WMDM to read the file; non-null to present raw data bytes to WMDM.
         pProgress, // Interface to send simple progress notifications.
         pMetadata, // IWMDMMetaData interface previously created and filled.
      if (FAILED(hr))
         m_pLogger->LogDword(WMDM_LOG_SEV_ERROR, NULL, "Error calling Insert3 in mySendFile: %lX", hr);
      BREAK_HR(hr, "Wrote a file to the device in mySendFile", "Couldn't write to the device in mySendFile.");

   } while (FALSE); // End of dummy loop

   return hr;


Header: Defined in mswmdm.h.

Library: mssachlp.lib

See Also