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A version of this page is also available for

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


The HEAD element denotes the beginning and end of the section that contains information about the document. It preceeds the Body element. The browser does not display the information, but uses the elements within this section. Examples of elements that can be placed within the head section are <base>, <meta> and <title>. This is a block element and requires a closing tag.

Using this Element

There are some common properties and collections that apply to all the elements of the document object model, see Common Properties, Methods and Collections for the HTML Elements in Internet Explorer Mobile.

This element can be used within a web page with attributes.

This element can be used within scripts where it will have properties, events and methods.


This element has no attributes that Internet Explorer Mobile supports.

Scripting Properties

This element has no scripting properties.

Scripting Events

This element has no associated events.

Scripting Methods

This property has no associated methods.


Windows Mobile Pocket PC for Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later, Smartphone for Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also


Internet Explorer Mobile HTML Elements