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Deprecated Features in Windows Mobile 6


The following terms, APIs and features are deprecated in Windows Mobile 6 and should not be used in new projects.

Product Names

The following product names have been replaced.

Product Name Comment

Windows Mobile for Pocket PC

The new name for this class of device is Windows Mobile Classic. For more information see the topic What's New in Naming Conventions for Windows Mobile 6.

Windows Mobile for Pocket PC Phone Edition

The new name for this class of device is Windows Mobile Professional.

Windows Mobile for Smartphone

The new name for this class of device is Windows Mobile Standard.


The following functions should not be used in new projects.

API Comment


This function is deprecated and does nothing.


This function is deprecated. To obtain a service handle, call CreateFile with the same prefix of the service whose handle must be retrieved.


This function is deprecated. To obtain a handle to a service, call CreateFile.


The gethostbyname function has been deprecated by the introduction of getaddrinfo.


The gethostbyaddr function has been deprecated by the introduction of getnameinfo.


This function may be deprecated in future versions of MAPI.


This function is deprecated for Windows Mobile devices. To create or open a file that can be used for memory mapping, call CreateFile.


This function retrieves adapter information for the local computer. This function is deprecated in favor of GetAdaptersAddresses.


GetStoreInformation is deprecated. Use GetDiskFreeSpaceEx instead.


The function CePimCommand has been deprecated and is no longer used for creating Outlook Mobile menu add-ins. Use the function IContextMenu instead.


These functions are deprecated. The keyboard driver does not implement these functions.


This function has been deprecated. Use DeactivateDevice instead.


This function has been deprecated. Use ActivateDeviceEx instead.


The IMailRuleClient interface supersedes the functionality of the deprecated SmsReadMessage function.


The ToString method of the IInkStrokes collection is deprecated. It should not be used for handwriting recognition applications.

Database Access

The following database-related features should not be used in new projects.

API Comment


CE Data Access (ADOCE) has been deprecated. Use Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition instead.


CEDB is obsolete in Windows Mobile as of Windows Mobile 6. Use EDB instead.


This function frees the buffer that is allocated by CeCredRead. This function is deprecated. Use the CredFree function instead.


This function returns a pointer to a credential structure that is specified by the target string. This function is deprecated. Use the CredRead function instead.


This function creates or updates a credential that is specified by the target string. This function is deprecated. Use the CredWrite function instead.


This method has been deprecated. Use IRAPISession::CeSetDatabaseInfoEx instead.


This method has been deprecated. Use IRAPISession::CeReadRecordPropsEx instead.


This method has been deprecated. Use IRAPISession::CeOpenDatabaseEx instead.


This method has been deprecated. Use IRAPISession::CeOidGetInfoEx instead.


This method has been deprecated. Use IRAPISession::CeFindNextDatabaseEx instead.


This method has been deprecated. Use IRAPISession::CeFindFirstDatabaseEx instead.


This method has been deprecated. Use IRAPISession::CeDeleteDatabaseEx instead.

CeSetDatabaseInfo (RAPI)

This method has been deprecated. Use CeSetDatabaseInfoEx (RAPI) instead.

CeReadRecordProps (RAPI)

This method has been deprecated. Use CeReadRecordPropsEx (RAPI) instead.

CeOpenDatabase (RAPI)

This method has been deprecated. Use CeOpenDatabaseEx (RAPI) instead.

CeOidGetInfo (RAPI)

This method has been deprecated. Use CeOidGetInfoEx (RAPI) instead.

CeFindNextDatabase (RAPI)

This method has been deprecated. Use CeFindNextDatabaseEx (RAPI) instead.

CeFindFirstDatabase (RAPI)

This method has been deprecated. Use CeFindFirstDatabaseEx (RAPI) instead.

CeDeleteDatabase (RAPI)

This method has been deprecated. Use CeDeleteDatabaseEx (RAPI) instead.

Security and Policy Settings

The following security terms, policies and structures have changed.

Feature Comment

In the security model documentation, "untrusted" and "unprivileged" are the deprecated terms for normal.

For more information, see the topic Windows Mobile Device Security Model.


This policy has been deprecated. Use SECPOLICY_OMACPNETWPINMSG (4141), SECPOLICY_OMACPUSERPINMSG (4142), and SECPOLICY_OMACPUSERNETWPINMSG (4143) instead. Although this policy is still supported, you cannot query for 4107 policy value. For more information, see the topic Security Policy Settings.


This setting has been deprecated. Use SECPOLICY_SMIMEENCRYPTION and SECPOLICY_SMIMEENCRYPTIONALGORITHM For more information, see the topic Security Policy Settings.


This structure is used by the Credential Manager API to read credentials from and write credentials to the registry. This structure is deprecated. Use the CRED structure instead.


The following features have changed.

Feature Comment

eMbedded Visual Basic

eMbedded Visual Basic (eVB) is deprecated. To develop applications by using Visual Basic, use Visual Basic .NET together with the .NET Compact Framework.

Registering ISAPI filters for raw data notifications is deprecated.

Applications should write ISAPI extensions to process and generate data that is sent to and from the Web server. For more information, see the topic HTTP_FILTER_VERSION.


This request type is deprecated. Use HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER_EX instead. For more information, see the topic ServerSupportFunction (ISAPI Extensions) Request Types.

IBrowser, IBrowser2, and IBrowser3

IBrowser, IBrowser2 and IBrowser3 are deprecated and will not be supported in future versions. Instead, use IWebBrowser2 and DWebBrowserEvents2.


This IOCTL queries to determine whether changing power state is feasible. This IOCTL has been deprecated and is not called by the Power Manager.


This element is deprecated in HTML 4.0 in favor of <OBJECT>. For more information, see the topic Internet Explorer Mobile HTML Elements.


This IOCTL is deprecated and should never be used. To cause a service to be unloaded, use the DeregisterService function instead.

See Also

Other Resources

What's New in Windows Mobile 6
Deprecated APIs to Avoid Using in Windows Mobile 5.0 and Windows Mobile 6 Applications