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Create Virtual Machine Deployment


The Create Virtual Machine Deployment operation creates a deployment and then creates a Virtual Machine in the deployment based on the specified configuration.


The Create Virtual Machine Deployment request may be specified as follows. Replace <subscription-id> with the subscription ID and <cloudservice-name> with the name of the cloud service.


Request URI


URI Parameters


Request Headers

The following table describes the request headers.

Request Header



Required. Specifies the version of the operation to use for this request. This header should be set to 2012-03-01 or higher.

Request Body

The format of the request body is as follows:

<Deployment xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
        <ConfigurationSet i:type="WindowsProvisioningConfigurationSet">
        <ConfigurationSet i:type="LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet">

The following table describes the elements of the request body.

Element name



Required. Specifies a name for the deployment. The deployment name must be unique among other deployments for the cloud service.


Required. Specifies the environment in which the Virtual Machine is to be deployed. The only allowable value is Production.


Required. Specifies an identifier for the deployment. The label can be up to 100 characters long. The label can be used for tracking purposes.


Required. Contains information about the Virtual Machine that is deployed.


Optional. Specifies the name of an existing virtual network to which the deployment will belong.


Optional. Contains a list of DNS servers to associate with the Virtual Machine.


Optional. Specifies the name of a reserved IP address that is to be assigned to the deployment.

The ReservedIPName element is only available using version 2014-05-01 or higher.


Optional. Contains a list of internal load balancers that can be assigned to input endpoints.

The LoadBalancers element is only available using version 2014-05-01 or higher.


Contains information about the Virtual Machine that is deployed.

Element name



Required. Contains the configuration sets that are used to create a Virtual Machine.


Contains the configuration sets that are used to create a Virtual Machine.

Element name



Required. Specifies the name for the Virtual Machine.


Required. Specifies the type of role to use. For Virtual Machines, this must be PersistentVMRole.


Optional. Specifies that the image or disk that is being used was licensed on-premises. This element is only used for images that contain the Windows Server operating system.

Possible values are:

  • Windows_Client

  • Windows_Server


Optional. Contains a collection of configuration sets that define system and application settings.


Optional. Contains a collection of resource extensions that are to be installed on the Virtual Machine. This element is used if ProvisionGuestAgent is set to true.

The ResourceExtensionReferences element is only available using version 2013-11-01 or higher.


Optional. Specifies the name of the VM Image that is to be used to create the Virtual Machine.

The VMImageName element is only available using version 2014-02-01 or higher.


Required if the Virtual Machine is being created from a published VM Image. Specifies the location of the VHD file that is created when VMImageName specifies a published VM Image.

The MediaLocation element is only available using version 2014-05-01 or higher.


Optional. Specifies the name of a collection of Virtual Machines. Virtual Machines specified in the same availability set are allocated to different nodes to maximize availability.


Optional. Contains the parameters that are used to add a data disk to a Virtual Machine. If you are creating a Virtual Machine by using a VM Image, this element is not used.


Optional. Contains the parameters that are used to create the operating system disk for a Virtual Machine. If you are creating a Virtual Machine by using a VM Image, this element is not used.


Optional. Specifies the size of the Virtual Machine. The default size is Small.


Optional. Indicates whether the VM Agent is installed on the Virtual Machine. To run a resource extension in a Virtual Machine, this service must be installed.

Possible values are:

  • true

  • false


Optional. Specifies a new size for the disks in a VM Image.

The VMImageInput element is only available using version 2014-10-01 or higher.


Contains a collection of configuration sets that specify system and application configuration settings.

Element name



Required. Specifies the configuration elements of the Virtual Machine. The type attribute is required to prevent the administrator password from being written to the operation history file.


Required. To create a Virtual Machine, you must specify one of the following configuration sets:

  • WindowsProvisioningConfiguration

  • LinuxProvisioningConfiguration

Optional. You can optionally specify a NetworkConfiguration set that contains the metadata required to create the virtual network configuration for a Virtual Machine.


Optional in WindowsProvisioningConfiguration. Specifies the computer name for the Virtual Machine. If you do not specify a computer name, one is assigned that is a combination of the deployment name, role name, and identifying number. Computer names must be 1 to 15 characters long.


Optional in WindowsProvisioningConfiguration. Specifies the password to use for an administrator account on the Virtual Machine that is being created. If you are creating a Virtual Machine using an image, you must specify a name of an administrator account to be created on the machine using the AdminUsername element. You must use the AdminPassword element to specify the password of the administrator account that is being created. If you are creating a Virtual Machine using an existing specialized disk, this element is not used because the account should already exist on the disk.


Optional in WindowsProvisioningConfiguration. Specifies whether automatic updates are enabled for the Virtual Machine.

Possible values are:

  • true

  • false

The default value is true.


Optional in WindowsProvisioningConfiguration. Specifies the time zone for the Virtual Machine.

For a complete list of supported time zone entries, you can:

  • Refer to the values listed in the registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones.

  • You can use the tzutil command-line tool to list the valid time.


Optional in WindowsProvisioningConfiguration. Contains properties that define a domain to which the Virtual Machine will be joined.


Optional in WindowsProvisioningConfiguration. Contains a list of service certificates with which to provision to the new Virtual Machine.


Optional in WindowsProvisioningConfiguration. Contains configuration settings for the Windows Remote Management service on the Virtual Machine. This enables remote Windows PowerShell.

The WinRM element is only available using version 2013-03-01 or higher.


Optional in WindowsProvisioningConfiguration. Specifies the name of the administrator account that is created to access the Virtual Machine. If you are creating a Virtual Machine using an image, you must specify a name of an administrator account to be created by using this element. You must use the AdminPassword element to specify the password of the administrator account that is being created. If you are creating a Virtual Machine using an existing specialized disk, this element is not used because the account should already exist on the disk.


Optional in WindowsProvisioningConfiguration. Specifies a base-64 encoded string of custom data. The base-64 encoded string is decoded to a binary array that is saved as a file on the Virtual Machine. The maximum length of the binary array is 65535 bytes. The file is saved to %SYSTEMDRIVE%\AzureData\CustomData.bin. If the file exists, it is overwritten. The security on directory is set to System:Full Control and Administrators:Full Control.

The CustomData element is only available using version 2013-10-01 or higher.


Optional. Specifies additional base-64 encoded XML formatted information that can be included in the Unattend.xml file, which is used by Windows Setup.

The AdditionalUnattendContent element is only available using version 2014-04-01 or higher.


Required in LinuxProvisioningConfiguration. Specifies the host name for the Virtual Machine. Host names must be 1 to 64 characters long.


Required in LinuxProvisioningConfiguration. Specifies the name of a user account to be created in the sudoer group of the Virtual Machine. User account names must be 1 to 32 characters long.


Required in LinuxProvisioningConfiguration. Specifies the password for the user account. Passwords must be 6 to 72 characters long.


Optional in LinuxProvisioningConfiguration. Specifies whether SSH password authentication is disabled. By default this value is set to true.

Possible values are:

  • true

  • false

The default value is true.


Optional in LinuxProvisioningConfiguration. Specifies the SSH public keys and key pairs to use with the Virtual Machine.


Optional in LinuxProvisioningConfiguration. Specifies a base-64 encoded string of custom data. The base-64 encoded string is located in the ovf-env.xml file on the ISO of the Virtual Machine. The file is copied to /var/lib/waagent/ovf-env.xml by the Azure Linux Agent. The Azure Linux Agent will also place the base-64 encoded data in /var/lib/waagent/CustomData during provisioning. The maximum length of the binary array is 65535 bytes.

The CustomData element is only available using version 2013-10-01 or higher.


Optional in NetworkConfiguration. Contains a collection of external endpoints for the Virtual Machine.


Required if StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress is specified; otherwise, optional in NetworkConfiguration. Contains a list of subnets to which the Virtual Machine will belong.


Optional. Specifies the internal IP address for the Virtual Machine in a Virtual Network. If you specify this element, you must also specify the SubnetNames element with only one subnet defined. The IP address specified in this element must belong to the subnet that is defined in SubnetNames and it should not be the one of the first four IP addresses or the last IP address in the subnet. Deploying web roles or worker roles into a subnet that has Virtual Machines with StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress defined is not supported.

The StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress element is only available using version 2013-11-01 or higher.


Optional. Contains a public IP address that can be used in addition to the default virtual IP address for the Virtual Machine.

The PublicIPs element is only available using version 2014-05-01 or higher.


Optional. A set of secondary network interfaces. The number of secondary network interfaces allowed depends on the size of the virtual machine.

The NetworkInterfaces element is only available using version 2014-08-01 or higher.


Contains properties that define a domain to which the Virtual Machine will be joined.

Element name



Optional. Specifies the credentials to use to join the Virtual Machine to the domain.


Optional. Specifies the domain to join.


Optional. Specifies the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) X 500-distinguished name of the organizational unit (OU) in which the computer account is created. This account is in Active Directory on a domain controller in the domain to which the computer is being joined.

Example: OU=MyOu,OU=MyParentOu,,DC=MyCompany,DC=com


Specifies the credentials to use to join the Virtual Machine to the domain.

Element name



Optional. Specifies the name of the domain used to authenticate an account. The value is a fully qualified DNS domain.

If the domains name is not specified, Username must specify the user principal name (UPN) format (user@fully-qualified-DNS-domain) or the fully-qualified-DNS-domain\username format.



Required. Specifies a user name in the domain that can be used to join the domain.


Required. Specifies the password to use to join the domain.


Contains a list of service certificates with which to provision to the new Virtual Machine. Stored certificate settings reference certificates that already exist in the cloud service.

Element name



Required. Specifies the parameters for the certificate.


Required. Specifies the certificate store location on the Virtual Machine.

The only supported value is LocalMachine.


Required. Specifies the name of the certificate store from which the certificate is retrieved.

Example: My


Required. Specifies the thumbprint of the certificate. The thumbprint must specify an existing service certificate.


Contains configuration settings for the Windows Remote Management service on the Virtual Machine.

Element name



Required. Contains a collection of information for enabling remote Windows PowerShell.


Required. Specifies the protocol and certificate information for the listener.


Specifies the protocol of listener.

Possible values are:

  • Http

  • Https

The value is case sensitive.


Optional. Specifies the certificate thumbprint for the secure connection. If this value is not specified, a self-signed certificate is generated and used for the Virtual Machine.


Specifies additional base-64 encoded XML formatted information that can be included in the Unattend.xml file, which is used by Windows Setup.

Element name



Required. Specifies the name of the pass that the content applies to. The only allowable value is oobeSystem.


Required. Specifies the name of the component to configure with the added content. The only allowable value is Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup.


Required. Specifies the name of the setting to which the content applies.

Possible values are:

  • FirstLogonCommands

  • AutoLogon


Required. Specifies the base-64 encoded XML formatted content that is added to the unattend.xml file for the specified path and component. The XML must be less that 4 KB and must include the root element for the setting or feature that is being inserted.


Specifies the SSH public keys and key pairs to use with the Virtual Machine.

Element name



Optional. Specifies the collection of SSH public keys.


Required. Specifies the public key.


Required. Specifies the SHA1 fingerprint of an X509 certificate associated with the cloud service and includes the SSH public key.


Required. Specifies the full path of a file, on the Virtual Machine, where the SSH public key is stored. If the file already exists, the specified key is appended to the file.




Required. Specifies a collection of SSH key pairs.


Required. Specifies an SSH key pair to be installed on the Virtual Machine.


Required. Specifies the SHA1 fingerprint of an X509 certificate that is associated with the cloud service and includes the SSH keypair.


Required. Specifies the full path of a file, on the virtual machine, which stores the SSH private key. The file is overwritten when multiple keys are written to it. The SSH public key is stored in the same directory and has the same name as the private key file with .pub suffix.

Example: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa


Contains a collection of external endpoints for the Virtual Machine.

Element name



Required. Specifies the properties that define an external endpoint for the Virtual Machine.


Optional. Specifies a name for a set of load-balanced endpoints. Specifying this element for an endpoint adds it to the set.

Do not set this property if you are adding the endpoint to connect to the Virtual Machine by using the Remote Desktop. The endpoint name must be unique within the scope of the Virtual Machine.


Required. Specifies the internal port on which the Virtual Machine is listening.


Required. Specifies the name of the external endpoint.


Required. Specifies the external port to use for the endpoint.


Optional. Contains properties that define the endpoint settings that the load balancer uses to monitor the availability of the Virtual Machine before forwarding traffic to it.


Required. Specifies the transport protocol for the endpoint.

Possible values are:

  • TCP

  • UDP


Optional. Specifies whether the endpoint uses Direct Server Return. The EnableDirectServerReturn element is not supported for RDP, SSH, or WinRM endpoints and it is not supported when the public port and local port of an endpoint are different. It is recommended that this element is only used when setting up Virtual Machines for SQL Server and AlwaysOn Availability Groups.

Possible values are:

  • true

  • false

The default value is false.


Optional. Contains a collection of rules that control the network traffic to an endpoint.

The EndpointACL element is only available using version 2013-06-01 or higher.


Optional. Specifies the name of the internal load balancer that is associated with this endpoint. The internal load balancer name is specified in LoadBalancers.

The LoadBalancerName element is only available using version 2014-05-01 or higher.


Optional. Specifies the timeout for the TCP idle connection. The value can be set between 4 and 30 minutes. The default value is 4 minutes. This element is only used when the protocol is set to TCP.

The IdleTimeoutInMinutes element is only available using version 2014-06-01 or higher.


Contains properties that define the endpoint settings that the load balancer uses to monitor the availability of the Virtual Machine before forwarding traffic to it.

Element name



Optional. Specifies the relative path to inspect to determine the availability status of the Virtual Machine. If Protocol is set to TCP, this value must be NULL.

Example: path

The probe will use to perform the probe.


Optional. Specifies the port to use to inspect the availability status of the Virtual Machine.


Optional. Specifies the protocol to use to inspect the availability status of the Virtual Machine.

Possible values are:

  • HTTP

  • TCP


Optional. Specifies the interval for the load balancer probe in seconds. The minimum value is 5 seconds. The default is 15 seconds.


Optional. Specifies the timeout for the load balancer probe in seconds. The minimum value is 11 seconds. The default is 31 seconds.


Contains a collection of rules that control the network traffic to the endpoint.

Element name



Required. Specifies a collection of access control rules. A maximum of 50 rules are allowed.


Required. Specifies the definition of an access control rule.


Required. Specifies the priority of the rule. The value can be between 0 and 65535. The order number must be unique for each rule in the collection. The lower the order number, the higher the priority of the rule.


Required. Specifies whether traffic that matches the rule should be permitted or denied.

Possible values are:

  • permit

  • deny


Required. Specifies the subnet for the rule. The subnet must be in IPV4 Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation, and must be a valid subnet.



Optional. Specifies a description for the rule. The maximum length of the description is 256 characters.


Contains a public IP address that can be used in addition to default virtual IP address for the Virtual Machine.

Element name



Required. Specifies an additional IP public address that can be used to communicate with the Virtual Machine.


Required. Specifies the name of the public IP address.


Optional. Specifies the timeout for the TCP idle connection. The value can be set between 4 and 30 minutes. The default value is 4 minutes. This element is only used when the protocol is set to TCP.

The IdleTimeoutInMinutes element is only available using version 2014-06-01 or higher.


Optional. Specifies the domain name label for the public IP.

The DomainNameLabel element is only available using version 2015-03-01 or higher.

Network Interfaces

Contains a set of secondary network interfaces.

Element name



Required. Specifies a secondary network interface.


Required, Specifies the name of the secondary network interface.


Required. Specifies the MAC address of the secondary network interface.


Required. Specifies a set of IP address configurations for a secondary network interface.


Specifies a set of IP address configurations for a secondary network interface.

Element name



Required. Specifies an IP address configuration for a secondary network interface.

Currently only one IP address configuration is supported for a secondary network interface.


Required. Specifies the name of the virtual network subnet that this IP address configuration belongs.


Required, Specifies the internal IP address configured for a secondary network interface.

The internal IP address specified needs to belong to the subnet specified by SubnetName.


Contains a list of subnets to which the Virtual Machine will belong.

Element name



Required. Specifies the name of a subnet to which the Virtual Machine belongs.


Contains the parameters that are used to add a data disk to a Virtual Machine.

Element name



Required. Specifies the properties that are used to create a data disk.


Optional. Specifies the caching mode of the data disk.

Possible values are:

  • None

  • ReadOnly

  • ReadWrite

The default value is None.


Optional. If the disk that is being added is already registered in the subscription, this element is ignored. If a new disk is being created, this element is used to provide a description of the disk. The value of this element is only obtained programmatically and does not appear in the Management Portal.


Optional. If the disk that is being added is already registered in the subscription, this element is used to identify the disk to add. If a new disk and the associated VHD are being created by Azure, this element is not used and Azure assigns a unique name that is a combination of the deployment name, role name, and identifying number.

The name of the disk must contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, periods, or dashes. The name must not be longer than 256 characters. The name must not end with period or dash.


Optional. Specifies the Logical Unit Number (LUN) for the data disk. If the disk is the first disk that is added, this element is optional and the default value of 0 is used. If more than one disk is being added, this element is required. Valid LUN values are 0 through 31.


Optional. Specifies the size, in GB, of an empty disk to be attached to the Virtual Machine. If the disk that is being added is already registered in the subscription, this element is ignored. If the disk and VHD is being created by Azure as it is added, this element defines the size of the new disk.

The number of disks that can be added to a Virtual Machine is limited by the size of the machine.

This element is used with the MediaLink element.


Optional. If the disk that is being added is already registered in the subscription or the VHD for the disk already exists in blob storage, this element is ignored. If a VHD file does not exist in blob storage, this element defines the location of the new VHD that is created when the new disk is added.



Optional. If the disk that is being added is already registered in the subscription or the VHD for the disk does not exist in blob storage, this element is ignored. If the VHD file exists in blob storage, this element defines the path to the VHD and a disk is registered from it and attached to the virtual machine.


Contains the parameters that are used to create the operating system disk for a Virtual Machine.

Element name



Optional. Specifies the caching mode of the operating system disk. This setting impacts the consistency and performance of the disk.

Possible values are:

  • ReadOnly

  • ReadWrite

The default value is ReadWrite. Changing this value causes the Virtual Machine to reboot.


Optional. Specifies the description of the disk.


Required if an existing disk is being used to create a Virtual Machine. Specifies the name of a new or existing disk. For a new disk, if this element is not specified, a unique name is assigned that is a combination of the deployment name, role name, and identifying number. If the RemoteSourceImageLink element is used, this element must specify a new disk name.

The name of the disk must contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, periods, or dashes. The name must not be longer than 256 characters. The name must not end with period or dash.


Required if the Virtual Machine is being created from a platform image. Specifies the location of the VHD file that is created when SourceImageName specifies a platform image. This element is not used if the Virtual Machine is being created using an existing disk.



Optional. Specifies the name of the image to use to create the Virtual Machine. You can specify a user image or a platform image. An image is always associated with a VHD, which is a .vhd file stored as a page blob in a storage account in Azure. If you specify a platform image, an associated VHD is created and you must use the MediaLink element to specify the location in storage where the VHD will be located.


Required if RemoteSourceImageLink is used. Specifies the type of operating system that is installed in the image.

Possible values are:

  • Windows

  • Linux


When an OS Image or a RemoteSourceImage is used to create an OSVirtualHardDisk, this parameter can be used to resize the new OSVirtualHardDisk to a larger size. ResizedSizeInGB must be larger than the underlying OS Image’s LogicalSizeInGB. The ResizedSizeInGB element is only available using version 2014-10-01 or higher.


Optional. Specifies a publicly accessible URI or a SAS URI to the location where an OS image is stored that is used to create the Virtual Machine. This location can be a different location than the user or platform image repositories in Azure. An image is always associated with a VHD, which is a .vhd file stored as a page blob in a storage account in Azure. If you specify the path to an image with this element, an associated VHD is created and you must use the MediaLink element to specify the location in storage where the VHD will be located. If this element is used, SourceImageName is not used.

The RemoteSourceImageLink element is only available using version 2014-05-01 or higher.


Specifies a new size for the disks in a VM Image.

Element Name



Optional. Specifies the configuration of the operating system disk of the VM Image.

The OSDiskConfiguration element is only available using version 2014-10-01 or higher.


Required. Specifies the new (larger) size of the operating system disk in the VM Image.

The ResizedSizeInGB element is only available using version 2014-10-01 or higher.


Optional. Specifies the configuration of the data disks of the VM Image.

The DataDiskConfigurations element is only available using version 2014-10-01 or higher.


Specifies the configuration of the data disks of the VM Image.

Element Name



Required. Specifies the configuration of the data disk.

The DataDiskConfiguration element is only available using version 2014-10-01 or higher.


Required. Specifies the name of the data disk.

The Name element is only available using version 2014-10-01 or higher.

Example: MyVMImage1-datadisk-2-2014-02-21


Required. Specifies the new (larger) size of the data disk.

The ResizedSizeInGB element is only available using version 2014-10-01 or higher.


Contains a collection of resource extensions that are to be installed on the Virtual Machine. A resource extension is a software component that is installed on the Virtual Machine. The VM Agent must be installed on the Virtual Machine to install resource extensions.

Element name



Required. Specifies the properties of a resource extension that should be installed on the Virtual Machine.


Required. Specifies the reference name of the resource extension.


Required. Specifies the name of the publisher who created the resource extension. You can use List Resource Extensions to find the publisher name of a resource extension.


Required. Specifies the name of the resource extension. You can use List Resource Extensions to find the names of available resource extensions.


Required. Specifies the version of the resource extension. You can set this value to * to use the latest version of the extension. If the extension has been recently added or updated, you must make sure that the value of ReplicationCompleted is set to true before you can use the version of the extension. You can use List Resource Extension Versions to determine the replication status and the available versions of the extension.


Optional. Contains a collection of parameters that are passed to the resource extension when it is installed.


Optional. Specifies the state of the resource extension. When a Virtual Machine is created, the only state that can be specified is enable, which is the default value if this element is not used.


Optional. Contains a collection of certificates that are installed on the Virtual Machine and used by the extension. Before certificates can be included in this request, they must be added to the cloud service.

The Certificates element is only available using version 2014-06-01 or higher.


Contains a collection of certificates that are installed on the Virtual Machine and used by the extension.

Element name



Required. Specifies the thumbprint of the certificate that is to be used by the extension.


Required. Specifies the thumbprint algorithm. This value is always sha1.


Contains a collection of parameters that are passed to the resource extension when it is installed.

Element name



Required. Specifies the key, value, and type of the parameter.


Required. Specifies the key of the parameter.


Required. Specifies the base-64 encoded value of the parameter. If the configuration of the extension is formatted in XML, this value is validated by using the public or private schema. The schema that is used depends on the value of Type.

If the configuration of the extension is formatted in JSON, this value must contain a valid JSON object. The public or private schemas cannot be used to validate the object. To use a JSON object, the version must be 2014-04-01 or higher.


Required. Specifies the type for the resource extension.

Possible values are:

  • Public

  • Private


Contains a list of DNS servers to associate with the Virtual Machine.

Element name



Required. Contains the parameters specifying the DNS servers to use for the Virtual Machine.


Required. Contains the Name and Address elements of the DNS server.


Required. Specifies the name of the DNS server.


Required. Specifies the IP address of the DNS server.


Contains a list of internal load balancers that can be assigned to input endpoints.

Element name



Required. Specifies the attributes of an internal load balancer.


Required. Specifies the name of the internal load balancer.


Required. Specifies the configuration for the virtual IP address that is provided by the load balancer.


Required. Specifies the type of virtual IP address that is provided by the load balancer. The only allowable value is Private.


Required if the deployment exists in a virtual network and a StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress is assigned. Specifies the subnet of the virtual network that the load balancer uses. The virtual IP address that is managed by the load balancer is contained in this subnet.


Optional. Specifies a specific virtual IP address that the load balancer uses from the subnet in the virtual network.


The response includes an HTTP status code and a set of response headers.

Status Code

A successful operation returns status code 202 (Accepted).

Response Headers

The response for this operation includes the following headers. The response may also include additional standard HTTP headers.

Response Header



A value that uniquely identifies a request made against the management service.

Response Body



When you create a deployment of a Virtual Machine, you should make sure that the cloud service and the disk or image that you use are located in the same region. For example, if the cloud service was created in the West US region, the disk or image that you use should also be located in a storage account in the West US region.

Provisioned disks can only be added to provisioned VM sizes.