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Manage Your Marketplace Account

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The Marketplace uses your account key to authenticate access to your account. You manage your Marketplace account keys when you add an account key, rename, or delete an existing account key.


Keep your account keys like you do your money. Do not give them to others unless you want to give them access to your account.
Because you cannot delete the default account key, never give it to another person. If you want to give someone access to your account, create an account key that you can delete later.


Before you proceed, ensure that you have:

Sections in This Topic

Section Description

Account Information

Review and update your account information.
Review your billing history.

My Applications

Review and manage the applications you are subscribed to.

My Data

Review, manage, and explore with Service Explorer the data offerings you are subscribed to.

Account Keys

Create an account key.
Change or delete an existing account key.

My Account

To manage your account you must first log in with your Live ID or OrgID.

Account Information

You can review and update your account information from the Account Information page.

  1. Click My Account to the right of the top ribbon from any page.

  2. Click Account Information in the left column (under My Account).

  3. If you want to update any information about your account, click Edit.

  4. If you want to review your Billing History, click Billing History.

    My account details
    Figure 1 – My Account Information

My Applications

Review which applications you are subscribed to and Use, view the terms or Cancel the subscription.

My Applications page

Figure 2 – My Applications

My Data

Review which data offerings you are subscribed to and Use, view the terms or Cancel the subscription.

My Data page

Figure 3 – My Data

Account Keys

Manage your account keys from the My Account page.

When you sign up for your Windows Azure Marketplace (WAM) account, a default account key is created and associated with your
Windows Live ID or OrgID. This default account key cannot be deleted, though it can be edited.
You can also create additional account keys that can be changed or deleted.

Sections in this Sub Topic

Section Description

Add an Account Key

Create an account key. This key can be changed or deleted.

Edit an Account Key

Change the description or value of an existing account key.

Delete an Account Key

Delete an account key so it can no longer be used.

Add an Account Key

Create additional account keys that you can delete if the key becomes compromised.

  1. On the Home page, click My Account.

  2. Click Account Keys.

  3. Click Add account key.

    Figure 2.3 - Add Account Key
    Figure 4 – Add Account Keys

  4. Enter a meaningful description for this key in the Description textbox.
    The account key description is to help you organize your account keys. It has no bearing on access to your accounts.

  5. Click Create.

    Figure 2.4 - Description for the new Account Key
    Figure 5 – Enter description for the new Account Key

Edit an Account Key

Manage your account keys from the Account Keys page.

  1. On the Home page, click My Account.

  2. Click Account Keys.

  3. Click Edit to the right of the account key you want to change.

  4. If you want to change the key’s description, replace the current description with the new one.
    The account key description is to help you organize your account keys. It has no bearing on access to your accounts.

  5. If you want to change the key’s value, check the Create new account key value checkbox.


    If you change an account key value, the old key value cannot be used to access the Marketplace services.

  6. Click Continue.

    Edit an account key
    Figure 6 – Edit an account key

Delete an Account Key

Manage your account keys from the Account Keys page.

If you no longer need an account key or an account key is compromised, change the key value (see Change an Account Key) or delete it to stop further access to your account with that key.


You cannot delete the Default account key.

  1. On the Home page, click My Account.

  2. Click Account Keys.

  3. Click Remove behind the key you want to delete.

  4. If you are sure that you want to remove this key, click OK on the dialog, otherwise click Cancel.


    If you remove an account key, that key can no longer be used to access the Marketplace services.

See Also


Create Your Marketplace Account
Subscribe to a Data Offer
Explore a Dataset with Service Explorer


Export to Excel PowerPivot or Tableau