SystemProperty Enumeration
Specifies the device-wide system properties
Namespace: Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Status
Assembly: Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Status (in microsoft.windowsmobile.status.dll)
public enum SystemProperty
Public Enumeration SystemProperty
Member name | Description |
ActiveApplication | Gets the name of the application that was previously active and the name of the application that is currently active, separated by the 'Escape' character ('\e'). |
ActiveSyncStatus | Gets ActiveSync's current synchronization state. |
BluetoothStateA2DPConnected | |
BluetoothStateDiscoverable | |
BluetoothStateHandsFreeAudio | |
BluetoothStateHandsFreeControl | |
BluetoothStateHardwarePresent | |
BluetoothStatePowerOn | |
CalendarAppointment | Gets the current Appointment. |
CalendarAppointmentBusyStatus | Gets the user's availability (free/busy status) for the time-slot taken by the current Appointment. |
CalendarAppointmentCategories | Gets the current Appointment's categories. |
CalendarAppointmentEndTime | Gets the current Appointment's ending time. |
CalendarAppointmentHasConflict | Gets a value indicating whether the current Appointment has a scheduling conflict with an existing Appointment. |
CalendarAppointmentLocation | Gets the current Appointment's location. |
CalendarAppointmentStartTime | Gets the current Appointment's starting time. |
CalendarAppointmentSubject | Gets the current Appointment's subject. |
CalendarEvent | Gets the current "All Day Event" Appointment. |
CalendarEventBusyStatus | Gets the user's availability (free/busy status) for the current "All Day Event". |
CalendarEventCategories | Gets the categories for the current "All Day Event". |
CalendarEventEndTime | Gets the ending time of the current "All Day Event" Appointment. This will be the starting day of an Appointment Event that spans multiple days. |
CalendarEventHasConflict | Gets a value indicating whether the user's availability (free/busy) status conflicts with the current "All Day Event". |
CalendarEventLocation | Gets the location of the current "All Day Event" Appointment. |
CalendarEventStartTime | Gets the starting time of the current "All Day Event" Appointment. This will be the starting day of an Appointment Event that spans multiple days. |
CalendarEventSubject | Gets the subject of the current "All Day Event" Appointment. |
CalendarHomeScreenAppointment | Gets the Appointment that is currently displayed on the Home Screen. |
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentBusyStatus | Gets the user's availability (free/busy status) for the Appointment displayed on the Home Screen. |
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentCategories | Gets the categories of the Appointment that is currently displayed on the Home Screen. |
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentEndTime | Gets the ending time of the Appointment that is currently displayed on the Home Screen. |
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentHasConflict | Gets a value indicating whether the Appointment that is currently displayed on the Home Screen has a scheduling conflict. |
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentLocation | Gets the location of the Appointment that is currently displayed on the Home Screen. |
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentStartTime | Gets the starting time of the Appointment that is currently displayed on the Home Screen. |
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentSubject | Gets the subject of the Appointment that is currently displayed on the Home Screen. |
CalendarNextAppointment | Gets the next Appointment. |
CalendarNextAppointmentBusyStatus | Gets the user's availability (e.g., Free, Busy, Tenative, Out of Office) status for the next Appointment. |
CalendarNextAppointmentCategories | Gets the next Appointment's categories. |
CalendarNextAppointmentEnd | Gets the ending time of the next Appointment. Gets the ending time of the next Appointment. |
CalendarNextAppointmentHasConflict | Gets a value indicating whether there is a conflict with the next Appointment. |
CalendarNextAppointmentLocation | Gets the location of the next Appointment. |
CalendarNextAppointmentStart | Gets the starting time of the next Appointment. |
CalendarNextAppointmentSubject | Gets the subject of the next Appointment. |
CameraPresent | Gets a value indicating whether a camera is attached and enabled. |
CarKitPresent | Gets a value indicating whether a car kit is present |
ConnectionsBluetoothCount | Gets a value indicating the number of Bluetooth connections that are currently connected. |
ConnectionsBluetoothDescriptions | Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each of the Bluetooth connections. |
ConnectionsCellularCount | Gets a value indicating the number of cellular connections that are currently connected. |
ConnectionsCellularDescriptions | Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each cellular connection. |
ConnectionsCount | Gets a value indicating the number of connections that are currently connected. |
ConnectionsDesktopCount | Gets a value indicating the number of desktop connections that are currently connected. |
ConnectionsDesktopDescriptions | Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each desktop connection. |
ConnectionsModemCount | Gets a value indicating the number of modem connections that are currently connected. |
ConnectionsModemDescriptions | Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each modem connection. |
ConnectionsNetworkAdapters | Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the adapter name of each network connection. |
ConnectionsNetworkCount | Gets a value indicating the number of network connections that are currently connected. |
ConnectionsNetworkDescriptions | Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each network connection. |
ConnectionsProxyCount | Gets a value indicating the number of network connections that are currently connected. |
ConnectionsProxyDescriptions | Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each proxy connection. |
ConnectionsUnknownCount | Gets a value indicating the number of connections of unknown type that are currently connected. |
ConnectionsUnknownDescriptions | Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each connections of unknown type. |
ConnectionsVpnCount | Gets a value indicating the number of virtual private network connections that are currently connected. |
ConnectionsVpnDescriptions | Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each virtual private network connection. |
CradlePresent | Gets a value indicating whether the device is connected to a cradle. |
Date | Gets the current date. This Date/Time value changes once per day. Monitor this property to perform actions on a daily basis. Note: Do not use Date to get an accurate clock time; instead, use Time. |
DisplayRotation | Gets the rotation of the display in degrees. The only possible values are: portrait = 0, right-handed landscape = 90, and left-handed landscape = -90 or 270. |
HeadsetPresent | Gets a value indicating whether a headset is present |
KeyboardPresent | Gets a value indicating whether a keyboard is attached and enabled. |
MediaPlayerAlbumArtist | Gets the album artist's name of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player. |
MediaPlayerAlbumTitle | Gets the album title of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player. |
MediaPlayerTrackArtist | Gets the artist's name of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player. |
MediaPlayerTrackBitrate | Gets the bitrate of the track currently playing in Windows Media Player. For example, "128Kbps" |
MediaPlayerTrackGenre | Gets the genre of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player. |
MediaPlayerTrackNumber | Gets the number of the current track playing in Windows Media Player. |
MediaPlayerTrackTimeElapsed | Gets the elapsed time (in milliseconds) of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player. |
MediaPlayerTrackTitle | Gets the title of the track currently playing in Windows Media Player. |
MessagingActiveSyncAccountName | Get the name of the Outlook e-mail messaging account. |
MessagingActiveSyncEmailUnread | Gets the number of unread ActiveSync e-mail messages. |
MessagingLastEmailAccountName | Gets the name of the e-mail account that was last active. |
MessagingMmsAccountName | Gets the name of the MMS messaging account. |
MessagingMmsUnread | Gets the number of unread MMS messages |
MessagingOtherEmailUnread | Gets the number of unread e-mail messages from all non-ActiveSync messaging accounts. |
MessagingSmsAccountName | Gets the name of the SMS messaging account. |
MessagingSmsUnread | Gets the number of unread SMS messages. |
MessagingTotalEmailUnread | Gets the total number of unread e-mail messages from all POP3/IMAP accounts. |
MessagingVoiceMail1Unread | Gets the number of unplayed voice mail messages for line 1. |
MessagingVoiceMail2Unread | Gets the number of unplayed voice mail messages for line 2 |
MessagingVoiceMailTotalUnread | Gets the number of unplayed voice mail messages. |
OwnerEmail | Gets the mobile device owner's e-mail address. |
OwnerName | Gets the mobile device owner's name. |
OwnerNotes | Gets the text notes entered by the owner of the mobile device. |
OwnerPhoneNumber | Gets the mobile device owner's phone number. |
Phone1xRttCoverage | Gets a value indicating whether the phone currently has 1xRTT coverage. |
PhoneActiveCallCount | Gets the number of active phone calls. |
PhoneActiveDataCall | Gets a value indicating whether the phone has an active cellular data connection. |
PhoneBlockedSim | Gets a value indicating whether the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) is blocked. |
PhoneCallBarring | Gets a value indicating whether the call barring feature is enabled. |
PhoneCallCalling | Gets a value indicating whether the phone is currently attempting to connect an outgoing call. |
PhoneCallForwardingOnLine1 | Gets a value indicating whether call forwarding is enabled on line 1. |
PhoneCallForwardingOnLine2 | Gets a value indicating whether call forwarding is currently active on line 2. |
PhoneCallOnHold | Gets a value indicating whether a phone call is currently on hold. |
PhoneCallTalking | Gets a value indicating whether there is currently a phone call in the talking state. |
PhoneCellBroadcast | Gets the cell broadcast message |
PhoneConferenceCall | Gets a value indicating whether a conference call is currently in progress. |
PhoneGprsCoverage | Gets a value indicating whether the phone currently has GPRS coverage. |
PhoneHomeService | Gets a value indicating whether the phone is currently registered on its home network. |
PhoneIncomingCall | Gets a value indicating whether there is an incoming (ringing) call. |
PhoneIncomingCallerContact | Gets the Contact that matches the Caller ID. |
PhoneIncomingCallerContactPropertyID | Gets the CEPROPID of the property that matches the Caller ID, for example, PIMPR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
PhoneIncomingCallerContactPropertyName | Gets the name of the property that matches the Caller ID, e.g. "h" for "Home Telephone". |
PhoneIncomingCallerName | Gets the name of the person who is currently placing the incoming call. |
PhoneIncomingCallerNumber | Gets the incoming call's phone number (Caller ID). |
PhoneInvalidSim | Gets a value indicating whether the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) is invalid. |
PhoneLastIncomingCallerContact | Gets the Contact that matches the last Caller ID. |
PhoneLastIncomingCallerContactPropertyID | Gets the CEPROPID of the property that matches the last Caller ID, for example, PIMPR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
PhoneLastIncomingCallerContactPropertyName | Gets the name of the property that matches the last Caller ID, e.g. "h" for "Home Telephone". |
PhoneLastIncomingCallerName | Gets the name of the last caller to place an incoming call. |
PhoneLastIncomingCallerNumber | Gets the last incoming call's phone number (Caller ID). |
PhoneLine1Selected | Gets a value indicating whether line 1 is selected. |
PhoneLine2Selected | Gets a value indicating whether line 2 is selected. |
PhoneMissedCall | Gets a value indicating whether there was a new missed call. |
PhoneMissedCalls | Gets a value indicating whether line 2 is selected. |
PhoneMultiLine | Gets a value indicating whether the phone supports multiple lines. |
PhoneNoService | Gets a value indicating whether the phone is not currently connected to a network. |
PhoneNoSim | Gets a value indicating whether the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) is installed in the mobile device. |
PhoneOperatorName | Gets the name of the mobile operator (i.e., the mobile phone company, or carrier). |
PhoneProfile | Gets the non-localized name of the current sound profile. For example, "Normal", "Silent", "Car", "Headset", "Loud", "Meeting", or "Speakerphone". (Windows Mobile Standard only) |
PhoneProfileName | Gets the localized name of the current sound profile. (Windows Mobile Standard only) |
PhoneRadioOff | Gets a value indicating whether the phone's radio is turned off. |
PhoneRadioPresent | Gets a value indicating whether the mobile device has a phone. |
PhoneRingerOff | Gets a value indicating whether the phone's ringer is off (i.e., if it rings and/or vibrates). |
PhoneRoaming | Gets a value indicating whether the phone is currently in roaming mode. |
PhoneSearchingForService | Gets a value indicating whether the phone is currently searching for service on a network. |
PhoneSignalStrength | Get the phone signal strength, expressed as a percentage of full strength. |
PhoneSimFull | Gets a value indicating whether the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) memory is full. |
PhoneTalkingCallerContact | Gets the contact who is on the active phone call. |
PhoneTalkingCallerContactPropertyID | Gets the CEPROPID of the property of the contact who is on the active phone call, for example, PIMPR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
PhoneTalkingCallerContactPropertyName | Gets the name of the property of the contact who is on the active phone call, e.g. "h" for "Home Telephone". |
PhoneTalkingCallerName | Gets the name of the person you are talking to on the phone. This value is not set when you are talking on a conference call. |
PhoneTalkingCallerNumber | Gets the currently connected caller's phone number. |
PowerBatteryBackupState | Gets the current battery state (for example, it is low, and charging). This enumeration allows a bitwise combination of its member values. |
PowerBatteryBackupStrength | Gets the remaining backup battery power level, expressed as a percentage of fully charged. |
PowerBatteryState | Gets the current battery state (for example, it is low, and charging). This enumeration allows a bitwise combination of its member values. |
PowerBatteryStrength | Gets the remaining battery power level, expressed as a percentage of fully charged. |
SpeakerPhoneActive | Gets a value indicating whether the speakerphone is active |
TasksActive | Gets the number of active tasks. |
TasksDueToday | Gets the number of active tasks that are due today. |
TasksHighPriority | Gets the number of high priority tasks that are currently active. |
TasksOverdue | Gets the number of overdue tasks. |
Time | Gets the current time. This Date/Time value updates once per minute. |
WiFiStateConnected | |
WiFiStateConnecting | |
WiFiStateHardwarePresent | |
WiFiStateNetworksAvailable | |
WiFiStatePowerOn |