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Sort List Box Items Sample

File: ...\Samples\Solution\Controls\Lists\Lsort.scx

This sample demonstrates making it possible for a user to rearrange or sort the items in a list. The key properties to set are:

   List.MoverBars = .T. 
   List.Sorted = .T.

Set the MoverBars property to true (.T.) to make it possible for a user to reorder an item in the list by dragging the button to the left of the item to the new position.

Set the Sorted property to true (.T.) to display the list items in alphabetical order. You can still rearrange the items in the list after they have been sorted. Set the Sorted property to .T. again to sort the list in alphabetical order again.

The Sorted property applies only if the RowSourceType property of the list is set to 0 (None) or 1 (Value).

See Also


Add Items Interactively to a List Box Sample

Display Multiple Columns in a List Box Sample

Display Pictures in a List Sample

Fill a List with Values from Different Sources Sample

Move Items Between List Boxes Sample

Multiselect Items in a List Box Sample

Open Multiple Files Interactively Sample

Treeview/Listbox Drag and Drop Sample

Use Mover List Boxes for Selecting Data Sample

Other Resources

Controls Solution Samples