Synapse Database (synapsedatabase) table/entity reference (Microsoft Dataverse)
This entity represents an external Synapse database and its associated datalake folder link.
The following table lists the messages for the Synapse Database (synapsedatabase) table. Messages represent operations that can be performed on the table. They may also be events.
Name Is Event? |
Web API Operation | SDK for .NET |
Assign Event: True |
PATCH /synapsedatabases(synapsedatabaseid)Update the ownerid property. |
AssignRequest |
Associate Event: True |
Associate records | Associate records |
Create Event: True |
POST /synapsedatabasesSee Create |
Create records |
CreateMultiple Event: True |
CreateMultiple | CreateMultipleRequest |
Delete Event: True |
DELETE /synapsedatabases(synapsedatabaseid)See Delete |
Delete records |
Disassociate Event: True |
Disassociate records | Disassociate records |
GrantAccess Event: True |
GrantAccess | GrantAccessRequest |
IsValidStateTransition Event: False |
IsValidStateTransition | IsValidStateTransitionRequest |
ModifyAccess Event: True |
ModifyAccess | ModifyAccessRequest |
Retrieve Event: True |
GET /synapsedatabases(synapsedatabaseid)See Retrieve |
Retrieve records |
RetrieveMultiple Event: True |
GET /synapsedatabasesSee Query data |
Query data |
RetrievePrincipalAccess Event: True |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | RetrievePrincipalAccessRequest |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess Event: True |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest |
RevokeAccess Event: True |
RevokeAccess | RevokeAccessRequest |
SetState Event: True |
PATCH /synapsedatabases(synapsedatabaseid)Update the statecode and statuscode properties. |
SetStateRequest |
Update Event: True |
PATCH /synapsedatabases(synapsedatabaseid)See Update |
Update records |
UpdateMultiple Event: True |
UpdateMultiple | UpdateMultipleRequest |
Upsert Event: False |
PATCH /synapsedatabases(synapsedatabaseid)See Upsert a table row |
UpsertRequest |
UpsertMultiple Event: False |
UpsertMultiple | UpsertMultipleRequest |
The following table lists selected properties for the Synapse Database (synapsedatabase) table.
Property | Value |
DisplayName | Synapse Database |
DisplayCollectionName | Synapse Databases |
SchemaName | synapsedatabase |
CollectionSchemaName | synapsedatabases |
EntitySetName | synapsedatabases |
LogicalName | synapsedatabase |
LogicalCollectionName | synapsedatabases |
PrimaryIdAttribute | synapsedatabaseid |
PrimaryNameAttribute | name |
TableType | Standard |
OwnershipType | UserOwned |
Writable columns/attributes
These columns/attributes return true for either IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate (usually both). Listed by SchemaName.
- DatabaseName
- datalakefolder
- DevelopmentEndpoint
- ImportSequenceNumber
- IsCustomizable
- LakehouseConnectionId
- LakehouseId
- LakehouseWorkspaceId
- name
- OverriddenCreatedOn
- OwnerId
- OwnerIdType
- ResourceGroup
- SchemaPrefix
- ServerlessSqlEndpoint
- SparkPoolConfig
- statecode
- statuscode
- Subscription
- synapsedatabaseId
- Tenant
- TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber
- UniqueName
- UTCConversionTimeZoneCode
- WorkspaceName
Property | Value |
Description | Name of the Synapse database. |
DisplayName | Database Name |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | databasename |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | String |
Format | Text |
FormatName | Text |
ImeMode | Auto |
IsLocalizable | False |
MaxLength | 100 |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier for Data Lake Folder associated with Synapse Database. |
DisplayName | Data Lake Folder |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | datalakefolder |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Lookup |
Targets | datalakefolder |
Property | Value |
Description | The development endpoint for this Synapse database. |
DisplayName | DevelopmentEndpoint |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | developmentendpoint |
RequiredLevel | ApplicationRequired |
Type | String |
Format | Text |
FormatName | Text |
ImeMode | Auto |
IsLocalizable | False |
MaxLength | 100 |
Property | Value |
Description | Sequence number of the import that created this record. |
DisplayName | Import Sequence Number |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | importsequencenumber |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
MaxValue | 2147483647 |
MinValue | -2147483648 |
Property | Value |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | Is Customizable |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | iscustomizable |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | ManagedProperty |
Property | Value |
Description | Connection Id for the Lakehouse that contains shortcuts to the table. |
DisplayName | Lakehouse Connection Id |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | lakehouseconnectionid |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Property | Value |
Description | Id for the Lakehouse that contains shortcuts to the table. |
DisplayName | Lakehouse Id |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | lakehouseid |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Property | Value |
Description | Id for the Power BI workspace that contains the Lakehouse |
DisplayName | Lakehouse Workspace Id |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | lakehouseworkspaceid |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Property | Value |
Description | The name of the custom entity. |
DisplayName | Name |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | name |
RequiredLevel | ApplicationRequired |
Type | String |
Format | Text |
FormatName | Text |
ImeMode | Auto |
IsLocalizable | False |
MaxLength | 100 |
Property | Value |
Description | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
DisplayName | Record Created On |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | overriddencreatedon |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | DateTime |
CanChangeDateTimeBehavior | False |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Format | DateOnly |
ImeMode | Inactive |
SourceTypeMask | 0 |
Property | Value |
Description | Owner Id |
DisplayName | Owner |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | ownerid |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Owner |
Targets | systemuser, team |
Property | Value |
Description | Owner Id Type |
DisplayName | |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | owneridtype |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | EntityName |
Property | Value |
Description | Azure resource group of the Synapse database. |
DisplayName | ResourceGroup |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | resourcegroup |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Format | Text |
FormatName | Text |
ImeMode | Auto |
IsLocalizable | False |
MaxLength | 100 |
Property | Value |
Description | Schema prefix to use for the table names |
DisplayName | Schema Prefix |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | schemaprefix |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | String |
Format | Text |
FormatName | Text |
ImeMode | Auto |
IsLocalizable | False |
MaxLength | 20 |
Property | Value |
Description | Serverless Sql Endpoint of the Synapse database. |
DisplayName | Serverless Sql Endpoint |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | serverlesssqlendpoint |
RequiredLevel | ApplicationRequired |
Type | String |
Format | Text |
FormatName | Text |
ImeMode | Auto |
IsLocalizable | False |
MaxLength | 100 |
Property | Value |
Description | Spark pool configuration |
DisplayName | Spark Pool Configuration |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | sparkpoolconfig |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Memo |
Format | Text |
FormatName | Text |
ImeMode | Auto |
IsLocalizable | False |
MaxLength | 4000 |
Property | Value |
Description | Status of the Synapse Database |
DisplayName | Status |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | statecode |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | State |
DefaultFormValue | |
GlobalChoiceName | synapsedatabase_statecode |
statecode Choices/Options
Value | Details |
0 | Label: Active DefaultStatus: 1 InvariantName: Active |
1 | Label: Inactive DefaultStatus: 2 InvariantName: Inactive |
Property | Value |
Description | Reason for the status of the Synapse Database |
DisplayName | Status Reason |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | statuscode |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Status |
DefaultFormValue | |
GlobalChoiceName | synapsedatabase_statuscode |
statuscode Choices/Options
Value | Details |
1 | Label: Active State:0 TransitionData: None |
2 | Label: Inactive State:1 TransitionData: None |
Property | Value |
Description | Azure subscription for the Synapse database |
DisplayName | Subscription |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | subscription |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Format | Text |
FormatName | Text |
ImeMode | Auto |
IsLocalizable | False |
MaxLength | 100 |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier for entity instances |
DisplayName | Synapse Database |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | synapsedatabaseid |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Property | Value |
Description | Azure tenant of the Synapse database |
DisplayName | Tenant |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | tenant |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
Format | Text |
FormatName | Text |
ImeMode | Auto |
IsLocalizable | False |
MaxLength | 100 |
Property | Value |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | Time Zone Rule Version Number |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | timezoneruleversionnumber |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
MaxValue | 2147483647 |
MinValue | -1 |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique Name for the entity. |
DisplayName | Unique Name |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | uniquename |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | String |
Format | Text |
FormatName | Text |
ImeMode | Auto |
IsLocalizable | False |
MaxLength | 128 |
Property | Value |
Description | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
DisplayName | UTC Conversion Time Zone Code |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | utcconversiontimezonecode |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
MaxValue | 2147483647 |
MinValue | -1 |
Property | Value |
Description | Workspace name of the Synapse database. |
DisplayName | Workspace Name |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | workspacename |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | String |
Format | Text |
FormatName | Text |
ImeMode | Auto |
IsLocalizable | False |
MaxLength | 100 |
Read-only columns/attributes
These columns/attributes return false for both IsValidForCreate and IsValidForUpdate. Listed by SchemaName.
- ComponentIdUnique
- ComponentState
- CreatedBy
- CreatedOn
- CreatedOnBehalfBy
- IsManaged
- ModifiedBy
- ModifiedOn
- ModifiedOnBehalfBy
- OverwriteTime
- OwnerIdName
- OwnerIdYomiName
- OwningBusinessUnit
- OwningTeam
- OwningUser
- SolutionId
- SupportingSolutionId
- VersionNumber
Property | Value |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | Row id unique |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | componentidunique |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Property | Value |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | Component State |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | componentstate |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Picklist |
DefaultFormValue | |
GlobalChoiceName | componentstate |
ComponentState Choices/Options
Value | Label |
0 | Published |
1 | Unpublished |
2 | Deleted |
3 | Deleted Unpublished |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier of the user who created the record. |
DisplayName | Created By |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdby |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Lookup |
Targets | systemuser |
Property | Value |
Description | Date and time when the record was created. |
DisplayName | Created On |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdon |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | DateTime |
CanChangeDateTimeBehavior | False |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Format | DateAndTime |
ImeMode | Inactive |
SourceTypeMask | 0 |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the record. |
DisplayName | Created By (Delegate) |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdonbehalfby |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Lookup |
Targets | systemuser |
Property | Value |
Description | Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. |
DisplayName | Is Managed |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | ismanaged |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Boolean |
GlobalChoiceName | ismanaged |
DefaultValue | False |
True Label | Managed |
False Label | Unmanaged |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier of the user who modified the record. |
DisplayName | Modified By |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedby |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Lookup |
Targets | systemuser |
Property | Value |
Description | Date and time when the record was modified. |
DisplayName | Modified On |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedon |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | DateTime |
CanChangeDateTimeBehavior | False |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Format | DateAndTime |
ImeMode | Inactive |
SourceTypeMask | 0 |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the record. |
DisplayName | Modified By (Delegate) |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedonbehalfby |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Lookup |
Targets | systemuser |
Property | Value |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | Record Overwrite Time |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | overwritetime |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | DateTime |
CanChangeDateTimeBehavior | False |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Format | DateAndTime |
ImeMode | Inactive |
SourceTypeMask | 0 |
Property | Value |
Description | Name of the owner |
DisplayName | |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | owneridname |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | String |
Format | Text |
FormatName | Text |
ImeMode | Auto |
IsLocalizable | False |
MaxLength | 100 |
Property | Value |
Description | Yomi name of the owner |
DisplayName | |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | owneridyominame |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | String |
Format | Text |
FormatName | Text |
ImeMode | Auto |
IsLocalizable | False |
MaxLength | 100 |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier for the business unit that owns the record |
DisplayName | Owning Business Unit |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | owningbusinessunit |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Lookup |
Targets | businessunit |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier for the team that owns the record. |
DisplayName | Owning Team |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | owningteam |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Lookup |
Targets | team |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier for the user that owns the record. |
DisplayName | Owning User |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | owninguser |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Lookup |
Targets | systemuser |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
DisplayName | Solution |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | solutionid |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Property | Value |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | Solution |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | False |
LogicalName | supportingsolutionid |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Property | Value |
Description | Version Number |
DisplayName | Version Number |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | versionnumber |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | BigInt |
MaxValue | 9223372036854775807 |
MinValue | -9223372036854775808 |
Many-to-One relationships
These relationships are many-to-one. Listed by SchemaName.
- business_unit_synapsedatabase
- lk_synapsedatabase_createdby
- lk_synapsedatabase_createdonbehalfby
- lk_synapsedatabase_modifiedby
- lk_synapsedatabase_modifiedonbehalfby
- owner_synapsedatabase
- synapsedatabases
- team_synapsedatabase
- user_synapsedatabase
One-To-Many Relationship: businessunit business_unit_synapsedatabase
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | businessunit |
ReferencedAttribute | businessunitid |
ReferencingAttribute | owningbusinessunit |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | owningbusinessunit |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: Restrict Assign: NoCascade Delete: Restrict Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: systemuser lk_synapsedatabase_createdby
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | systemuser |
ReferencedAttribute | systemuserid |
ReferencingAttribute | createdby |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | createdby |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: systemuser lk_synapsedatabase_createdonbehalfby
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | systemuser |
ReferencedAttribute | systemuserid |
ReferencingAttribute | createdonbehalfby |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | createdonbehalfby |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: systemuser lk_synapsedatabase_modifiedby
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | systemuser |
ReferencedAttribute | systemuserid |
ReferencingAttribute | modifiedby |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | modifiedby |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: systemuser lk_synapsedatabase_modifiedonbehalfby
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | systemuser |
ReferencedAttribute | systemuserid |
ReferencingAttribute | modifiedonbehalfby |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | modifiedonbehalfby |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: owner owner_synapsedatabase
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | owner |
ReferencedAttribute | ownerid |
ReferencingAttribute | ownerid |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | ownerid |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: datalakefolder synapsedatabases
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | datalakefolder |
ReferencedAttribute | datalakefolderid |
ReferencingAttribute | datalakefolder |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | datalakefolder |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: team team_synapsedatabase
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | team |
ReferencedAttribute | teamid |
ReferencingAttribute | owningteam |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | owningteam |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
One-To-Many Relationship: systemuser user_synapsedatabase
Property | Value |
ReferencedEntity | systemuser |
ReferencedAttribute | systemuserid |
ReferencingAttribute | owninguser |
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName | owninguser |
IsHierarchical | |
CascadeConfiguration | Archive: NoCascade Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade RollupView: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
One-to-Many relationships
These relationships are one-to-many. Listed by SchemaName.
- synapsedatabase_AsyncOperations
- synapsedatabase_BulkDeleteFailures
- synapsedatabase_DuplicateBaseRecord
- synapsedatabase_DuplicateMatchingRecord
- synapsedatabase_MailboxTrackingFolders
- synapsedatabase_PrincipalObjectAttributeAccesses
- synapsedatabase_ProcessSession
- synapsedatabase_SyncErrors
Many-To-One Relationship: asyncoperation synapsedatabase_AsyncOperations
Property | Value |
ReferencingEntity | asyncoperation |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | synapsedatabase_AsyncOperations |
IsCustomizable | True |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | AvailableOffline: True Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: MenuId: null Order: QueryApi: null ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Many-To-One Relationship: bulkdeletefailure synapsedatabase_BulkDeleteFailures
Property | Value |
ReferencingEntity | bulkdeletefailure |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | synapsedatabase_BulkDeleteFailures |
IsCustomizable | True |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | AvailableOffline: True Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: MenuId: null Order: QueryApi: null ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Many-To-One Relationship: duplicaterecord synapsedatabase_DuplicateBaseRecord
Property | Value |
ReferencingEntity | duplicaterecord |
ReferencingAttribute | baserecordid |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | synapsedatabase_DuplicateBaseRecord |
IsCustomizable | True |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | AvailableOffline: True Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: MenuId: null Order: QueryApi: null ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Many-To-One Relationship: duplicaterecord synapsedatabase_DuplicateMatchingRecord
Property | Value |
ReferencingEntity | duplicaterecord |
ReferencingAttribute | duplicaterecordid |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | synapsedatabase_DuplicateMatchingRecord |
IsCustomizable | True |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | AvailableOffline: True Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: MenuId: null Order: QueryApi: null ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Many-To-One Relationship: mailboxtrackingfolder synapsedatabase_MailboxTrackingFolders
Property | Value |
ReferencingEntity | mailboxtrackingfolder |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | synapsedatabase_MailboxTrackingFolders |
IsCustomizable | True |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | AvailableOffline: True Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: MenuId: null Order: QueryApi: null ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Many-To-One Relationship: principalobjectattributeaccess synapsedatabase_PrincipalObjectAttributeAccesses
Property | Value |
ReferencingEntity | principalobjectattributeaccess |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | synapsedatabase_PrincipalObjectAttributeAccesses |
IsCustomizable | True |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | AvailableOffline: True Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: MenuId: null Order: QueryApi: null ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Many-To-One Relationship: processsession synapsedatabase_ProcessSession
Property | Value |
ReferencingEntity | processsession |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | synapsedatabase_ProcessSession |
IsCustomizable | True |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | AvailableOffline: True Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: MenuId: null Order: QueryApi: null ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Many-To-One Relationship: syncerror synapsedatabase_SyncErrors
Property | Value |
ReferencingEntity | syncerror |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | synapsedatabase_SyncErrors |
IsCustomizable | True |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | AvailableOffline: True Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: MenuId: null Order: QueryApi: null ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
See also
Dataverse table/entity reference
Dataverse Web API Reference