The DIM_INTERFACE_CONTAINER structure specifies a generic structure used by certain methods to set, create, or retrieve information from the RRAS server.

 typedef struct _DIM_INTERFACE_CONTAINER {
   DWORD fGetInterfaceInfo;
   DWORD dwInterfaceInfoSize;
   [size_is(dwInterfaceInfoSize)] LPBYTE pInterfaceInfo;
   DWORD fGetGlobalInfo;
   DWORD dwGlobalInfoSize;
   [size_is(dwGlobalInfoSize)] LPBYTE pGlobalInfo;

fGetInterfaceInfo: This field is used to get interface information from the server. This MUST be set to TRUE when the client needs to retrieve interface information from the server while calling the RRouterInterfaceTransportGetGlobalInfo (section and RRouterInterfaceTransportGetInfo (section methods.

dwInterfaceInfoSize: This MUST be set to the size of pInterfaceInfo.

pInterfaceInfo: This MUST point to a buffer that specifies the default client interface information for the transport. The buffer MUST contain RTR_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER (section with a valid info type of RTR_TOC_ENTRY (section

fGetGlobalInfo: This field is used to get or set global information. This field MUST be set to TRUE when the client needs to retrieve global information from the server while calling RRouterInterfaceTransportGetGlobalInfo.

dwGlobalInfoSize: This MUST be set to the size of pGlobalInfo.

pGlobalInfo: This MUST point to a buffer that specifies global information for the transport. The buffer MUST contain a RTR_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER with a valid info type of RTR_TOC_ENTRY.

The DIM_INTERFACE_CONTAINER specifies a generic structure used by the following methods to set, create, or retrieve information from the RRAS server: