Compartilhar via RAS_CONNECTION_4_IDL

The RAS_CONNECTION_4_IDL structure<165> contains information for a connection, including the GUID that identifies the connection, the NAP, and the PPP or the IKEv2- related data for the connection.

 typedef struct _RAS_CONNECTION_4_IDL {
   DWORD dwConnectDuration;
   DWORD dwConnectionFlags;
   WCHAR wszInterfaceName[257];
   WCHAR wszUserName[257];
   WCHAR wszLogonDomain[16];
   WCHAR wszRemoteComputer[17];
   GUID guid;
   FILETIME probationTime;
   FILETIME connectionStartTime;
   DWORD dwBytesXmited;
   DWORD dwBytesRcved;
   DWORD dwFramesXmited;
   DWORD dwFramesRcved;
   DWORD dwCrcErr;
   DWORD dwTimeoutErr;
   DWORD dwAlignmentErr;
   DWORD dwHardwareOverrunErr;
   DWORD dwFramingErr;
   DWORD dwBufferOverrunErr;
   DWORD dwCompressionRatioIn;
   DWORD dwCompressionRatioOut;
   DWORD dwNumSwitchOvers;
   WCHAR wszRemoteEndpointAddress[65];
   WCHAR wszLocalEndpointAddress[65];
   PROJECTION_INFO_IDL_2 ProjectionInfo;
   ULONG hConnection;
   ULONG hInterface;
   DWORD dwDeviceType;

dwConnectDuration: Same as dwConnectDuration in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL (section

dwInterfaceType: Same as dwInterfaceType in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwConnectionFlags: Same as dwConnectionFlags in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

wszInterfaceName: Same as wszInterfaceName in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

wszUserName: Same as wszUserName in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

wszLogonDomain: Same as wszLogonDomain in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

wszRemoteComputer: Same as wszRemoteComputer in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

guid: Same as guid in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

rasQuarState: Same as rasQuarState in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

probationTime: Same as probationTime in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

connectionStartTime: Same as connectionStartTime in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwBytesXmited: Same as dwBytesXmited in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwBytesRcved: Same as dwBytesRcved in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwFramesXmited: Same as dwFramesXmited in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwFramesRcved: Same as dwFramesRcved in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwCrcErr: Same as dwCrcErr in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwTimeoutErr: Same as dwTimeoutErr in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwAlignmentErr: Same as dwAlignmentErr in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwHardwareOverrunErr: Same as dwHardwareOverrunErr in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwFramingErr: Same as dwFramingErr in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwBufferOverrunErr: Same as dwBufferOverrunErr in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwCompressionRatioIn: Same as dwCompressionRatioIn in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwCompressionRatioOut: Same as dwCompressionRatioOut in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwNumSwitchOvers: Same as dwNumSwitchOvers in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

wszRemoteEndpointAddress: Same as wszRemoteEndpointAddress in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

wszLocalEndpointAddress: Same as wszLocalEndpointAddress in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

ProjectionInfo: Same as ProjectionInfo in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

hConnection: Same as hConnection in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

hInterface: Same as hInterface in RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL.

dwDeviceType: Specifies the device type of the port associated with the RAS connection as defined in the RASDEVICETYPE (section enumeration type.