Compartilhar via RRPC_FWQueryAuthenticationSets2_20 (Opnum 65)

The RRPC_FWQueryAuthenticationSets2_20 method requests the server to return all the authentication sets that match the specified query object that are contained in the store referenced in the hPolicy handle. The method returns a linked list of all the authentication set objects. The method is only supported for binary version 0x0214.

 unsigned long RRPC_FWQueryAuthenticationSets2_20(
   [in] FW_CONN_HANDLE rpcConnHandle,
     FW_IPSEC_PHASE IpSecPhase,
   [in] PFW_QUERY pQuery,
   [in] WORD wFlags,
   [out, ref] DWORD* pdwNumSets,
   [out] PFW_AUTH_SET* ppAuthSets

rpcConnHandle: This parameter is an RPC binding handle that connects to the RPC interface of the Firewall and Advanced Security Protocol.

hPolicy: This input parameter is an FW_POLICY_STORE_HANDLE data type. The data type MUST contain an opened policy store handle, successfully opened with the RRPC_FWOpenPolicyStore (Opnum 0) method. The handle MUST be of the FW_STORE_TYPE_DYNAMIC store.

IpSecPhase: This parameter specifies the specific IPsec negotiation phase to which this set applies.

pQuery: This parameter represents the query object that the client wants to use to specify which main mode rules MUST be retrieved from the store. The query object MUST be valid, as specified in the definition of the FW_QUERY data type.

wFlags: This parameter is a combination of flags from the FW_ENUM_RULES_FLAGS enumeration, which modifies the behavior of the method and performs operations on the rules before returning them in the linked list.

pdwNumSets: This is an output parameter that, on success, MUST be equal to the number of sets returned.

ppAuthSets: This is an output parameter that, on success, contains a linked list of FW_AUTH_SET data types.

Return Values: The method returns 0 if successful; if it fails, it returns a nonzero error code. The field can take any specific error code value, as specified in [MS-ERREF]. The following return values are common.

Return value/code




The client does not have the required credentials to call the method.



One of the parameters of this method is incorrect, or is required but not specified. This error can be returned in the following cases:

- One of the required values is not specified.

- The dwProfileFilter parameter contains invalid profiles.

Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown beyond those thrown by the underlying RPC protocol, as specified in [MS-RPCE].

The server MUST validate the client credentials to the administrator or network operator before executing this method.