The Propagation_Token structure is used for performing pull-based transaction propagation. This structure contains information about a transaction and about a superior transaction manager that is available for use by participants to enlist on the transaction.
1 |
2 |
3 |
dwVersionMin |
dwVersionMax |
guidTx (16 bytes) |
... |
... |
isoLevel |
isoFlags |
cbSourceTmAddr |
szDesc (40 bytes) |
... |
... |
NameObject (variable) |
... |
AssociateMsgVersion2 (variable) |
... |
AssociateMsgVersion3 (variable) |
... |
dwVersionMin (4 bytes): The minimum version of the transaction information structure that accompanies the Propagation_Token. The value MUST be set to 1.
dwVersionMax (4 bytes): The maximum version of the transaction information structure that accompanies the Propagation_Token. The value MUST be 1, 2, or 3.<12>
guidTx (16 bytes): This field MUST contain a GUID that specifies the transaction identifier.
isoLevel (4 bytes): The isolation level of the transaction. The value MUST be one as specified in the OLETX_ISOLATION_LEVEL (section enumeration.
isoFlags (4 bytes): The isolation flags for the transaction. This field MUST contain the result of a bitwise OR operation of zero or more OLETX_ISOLATION_FLAGS (section enumeration flags.
cbSourceTmAddr (4 bytes): This field MUST contain the total size, in bytes, of the space that is used by the NameObject, AssociateMsgVersion2, and AssociateMsgVersion3 fields.
szDesc (40 bytes): The description of the transaction, as a fixed-size array of 40 bytes containing a null-terminated Latin-1 ANSI string, as specified in [ISO/IEC-8859-1]. This field MUST be set to an implementation-specific value. Any bytes that follow the first null-terminator character SHOULD be ignored on receipt.
NameObject (variable): This field MUST be a NAMEOBJECTBLOB structure that contains contact information about the transaction manager that is referenced by the Propagation_Token structure.
AssociateMsgVersion2 (variable): This field MUST be an Associate_Msg_Version2 structure (section that contains the NetBIOS host name for the transaction manager that is referenced by the Propagation_Token structure. If dwVersionMax is 1, then this field MUST NOT be present; otherwise, it MUST be present. If this field is present, the contents MUST override the szHostName value in the NameObject field.
AssociateMsgVersion3 (variable): This field MUST be an Associate_Msg_Version3 structure (section that contains information about the transaction protocol support for the transaction manager that is referenced by the Propagation_Token structure. If dwVersionMax is 3, then this field MUST be present; otherwise, it MUST NOT be present.