The STxInfo structure represents an exported transaction during push-based transaction propagation. The information in this structure is passed to a transaction manager to import a transaction.
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guidSignature (16 bytes) |
... |
... |
uowTx (16 bytes, optional) |
... |
... |
tmprotUsed (optional) |
cbProtocolSpecificTxInfo (optional) |
protocolSpecificTxInfo (variable) |
... |
guidSignature (16 bytes): This field MUST be a GUID that either specifies the transaction identifier or specifies a signature value that indicates that the fields following this field are present in the structure. If the field contains the binary value representation of the GUID {2adb4463-bd41-11d0-b12e-00c04fc2f3ef}, the fields uowTx, tmprotUsed, and cbProtocolSpecificTxInfo MUST be present. For all other values, this field MUST specify the GUID of the transaction to be imported, and all other fields MUST NOT be present. This field MUST be set based on the protocol version as specified in section
uowTx (16 bytes): If present, this field MUST be a GUID that specifies the transaction identifier.
tmprotUsed (4 bytes): If present, this field MUST specify the format of the data in the protocolSpecificTxInfo field. The value MUST be one that is as specified in TM_PROTOCOL (section
cbProtocolSpecificTxInfo (4 bytes): If present, this field MUST contain the size of the protocol-specific data. This value MUST be zero, unless tmprotUsed contains the value TmProtocolTip, in which case the value MUST be determined by adding the size of the SoleTxInfoForTip structure (section and the size, in bytes, of the szTipTmUrl field in the SOleTxInfoForTip structure, including the null terminator.
protocolSpecificTxInfo (variable): If present, this field MUST contain a SOleTxInfoForTip structure. If the cbProtocolSpecificTxInfo field is present and has a nonzero value, this field MUST be present. Otherwise, this field MUST not be present.