Create Voter Enlistment Success
The Create Voter Enlistment Success event MUST be signaled with the following arguments:
An Enlistment object
If the Create Voter Enlistment Success event is signaled, the Transaction Manager MUST perform the following actions:
If the provided enlistment's connection is of type CONNTYPE_TXUSER_IMPORT2 (section
Send the TXUSER_IMPORT2_MTAG_SINK_IMPORTED (section message using the provided enlistment's connection.
The isoLevel field MUST be set to the Isolation Level field of the transaction object referenced by the provided Enlistment object.
The isoFlags field MUST be set to the Isolation Flags field of the transaction object referenced by the provided Enlistment object.
Otherwise, if the provided enlistment's connection is of type CONNTYPE_TXUSER_IMPORT (section
Send the TXUSER_IMPORT_MTAG_IMPORTED (section message using the provided enlistment's connection:
The isoLevel field MUST be set to the Isolation Level field of the transaction object referenced by the provided Enlistment object.
The isoFlags field MUST be set to the Isolation Flags field of the transaction object referenced by the provided Enlistment object.
Set the connection state to Active.