TIP Interoperability Provider Role
The TIP interoperability provider role performs the following tasks:
Accepts and processes requests to pull (synchronously or asynchronously) a transaction from a TIP transaction manager to an OleTx TM by using TIP pull propagation.
Accepts and processes requests to push a transaction from an OleTx TM to a TIP transaction manager by using TIP push propagation.
To perform the preceding tasks, the TIP interoperability provider establishes itself as a protocol extension with the core transaction manager facet of an OleTx TM, by using the extension mechanism specified in [MS-DTCO] section (The core transaction manager facet is specified in [MS-DTCO] section
The TIP interoperability provider uses implementation-specific functionality to perform TIP communication with other TIP transaction managers for the following purposes:
To establish a TIP connection and to execute TIP transaction propagation operations.
To carry out TIP transaction coordination and TIP transaction recovery activities for the transactions that it propagates.
Note The processing that is performed by the TIP interoperability provider for TIP transaction coordination and TIP transaction recovery does not affect the wire representation of this protocol.