The DNS_RPC_ZONE_SECONDARIES_W2K structure is used to specify information about the secondary servers for a primary DNS zone.

 typedef struct _DnssrvRpcZoneSecondariesW2K {
   DWORD fSecureSecondaries;
   DWORD fNotifyLevel;
   PIP4_ARRAY aipSecondaries;
   PIP4_ARRAY aipNotify;

fSecureSecondaries: The secondary security settings configured for this zone. The DNS server MUST respond to zone transfer requests from a secondary server according to the behavior corresponding to the value of the flag, as described in DNS_ZONE_SECONDARY_SECURITY (section This value MUST be set to one of the allowed values as specified in DNS_ZONE_SECONDARY_SECURITY (section

fNotifyLevel: The settings for sending zone notifications for this zone. The DNS server MUST send notify messages to secondary servers as specified by the entry corresponding to the value of this flag, as shown in the table in section This flag's value MUST be set to one of the allowed values as specified in DNS_ZONE_ NOTIFY_LEVEL (section

aipSecondaries: The list of IPv4 addresses of remote DNS servers that are permitted to perform zone transfers for this zone. The DNS server will honor zone transfer requests from these secondary servers, as specified by fSecureSecondaries above.

aipNotify: The list of IPv4 addresses of the remote DNS servers that will be sent notification messages when records in this zone change, as directed by fNotifyLevel above.