In the DNS_RPC_ZONE_DATABASE_DOTNET structure all fields have same definition as specified in section DNS_RPC_ZONE_DATABASE_W2K (section, with the following exceptions:
typedef struct _DnssrvRpcZoneDatabaseDotNet { DWORD dwRpcStructureVersion; DWORD dwReserved0; DWORD fDsIntegrated; [string] char* pszFileName; } DNS_RPC_ZONE_DATABASE_DOTNET, *PDNS_RPC_ZONE_DATABASE_DOTNET, DNS_RPC_ZONE_DATABASE, *PDNS_RPC_ZONE_DATABASE;
dwRpcStructureVersion: The DNS management structure version number. This MUST be set to 0x00000001.
dwReserved0: Reserved for future use. The sender MUST set this value to 0x00000000 and it MUST be ignored by the receiver.