Compartilhar via Receiving a LnkSearchMachine Call (Opnum 12)

The LnkSearchMachine method searches for a file object on the specified computer. If information on the file is found, the method attempts to return it. If the file has been moved, the method returns information about its new location.

 HRESULT LnkSearchMachine(
   [in] unsigned long Restrictions,
   [in] const CDomainRelativeObjId* pdroidBirthLast,
   [in] const CDomainRelativeObjId* pdroidLast,
   [out] CDomainRelativeObjId* pdroidBirthNext,
   [out] CDomainRelativeObjId* pdroidNext,
   [out] CMachineId* pmcidNext,
   [out, max_is(261), string] wchar_t* ptszPath

Restrictions: SHOULD be set to zero.<9>

pdroidBirthLast: FileID of the file for which the server is to search.

pdroidLast: FileLocation of the file for which the server is to search. This is the last known FileLocation by the client.

pdroidBirthNext: A new FileID returned from the server. This indicates that the server could not find the file, but that a different file that might be correct has been found. This is associated with the TRK_E_POTENTIAL_FILE_FOUND return value, which is defined below. How the server responds to that error is specified later in this section.

pdroidNext: New FileLocation for the file returned from the server.

pmcidNext: New MachineID for the computer that holds the file.

ptszPath: New UNC for file.

Return Values: A 32-bit integer that indicates success or failure: A value of 0 or any positive value indicates success; a negative value indicates failure. Some of the possible return codes are listed in the following table.

Return value/code




A file was found by a DLT Workstation server processing a LnkSearchMachine call, and the file meets some—but not all—of the necessary criteria to be considered the correct file. More details are presented later in this section.



A file could not be found by a DLT Workstation server processing a LnkSearchMachine call, and the file meets some—but not all—of the necessary criteria to be considered the correct file. More details are presented later in this section.

Exceptions Thrown: None.

The server responds to this call by attempting to find the requested file in one of its volumes, and either returns the file's new location (in the form of a UNC), or returns information about the location to which the file has moved (see description of TRK_E_REFERRAL in the following bulleted list).

The server SHOULD<10> return a failure value, if the file is found, but the length of the path to be returned in the pstszPath argument exceeds 261 characters (where the 261 characters does not include a string terminator character).

For each of the possible return values, the output parameters of this call MUST be set as specified in the following list. In these specifications, the requested ObjectID MUST correspond to the Object field of the pDroidLast parameter, the requested VolumeID MUST correspond to the Volume field of the pDroidLast parameter, and the FileID requested MUST correspond to the value of the pDroidBirthLast parameter. The numeric values corresponding to these returns are defined in section 3.1.1:

  • Success: A success value MUST be returned if the server finds the file, and the client is authorized to get information about the file via a UNC path. The file MUST be found by searching all volumes on the server computer for a file whose ObjectID is equal to the ObjectID of the request, and whose FileID is equal to the FileID of the request. To perform the authorization check, the server MUST use the client's identity (obtained as specified in [MS-RPCE] section to determine, based on local policy, whether or not the client is authorized to get the UNC of the file.

    If there is more than one file on the server computer that satisfies these conditions, the file MUST be selected as follows:

    • If one of the matching files is on the volume whose VolumeID equals the VolumeID of the request, that file is selected.

    • Otherwise, the behavior is arbitrary.

    The server MUST set the output parameters as follows:

    pdroidBirthNext: The value of the pdroidBirthLast that is specified by the client.

    pdroidNext: The current FileLocation value for the file.

    pmcidNext: The MachineID of the server computer.

    ptszPath: The UNC of the file on the server computer. If the file can be located under multiple UNC paths, one of those UNC paths MUST be returned, but the server MAY return any of those paths.<11>

  • TRK_E_REFERRAL: This value MUST be returned if the file is no longer stored on any of the volumes of the server computer, but if the MoveTable of the last volume has an entry for the file. (Note that there is no additional per-file access check in this case.) The last volume MUST be determined by using the volume on the server whose VolumeID equals the VolumeID of the request. The entry in the MoveTable for the file, as defined in section 3.1.1, MUST be that entry whose ObjectID equals the ObjectID of the request.

    The server MUST set the output parameters as follows:

    pdroidBirthNext: The value of the FileID specified by the client in the pdroidBirthLast field of the call.

    pdroidNext: The value of the FileLocation field for the file's entry in the MoveTable.

    pmcidNext: The value of the MachineID field for the file's entry in the MoveTable.

    ptszPath: The server MUST NOT modify this value.

  • TRK_E_POTENTIAL_FILE_FOUND: This value MUST be returned if there is no file on any of the server's volumes with the requested FileID and ObjectID, and there is no entry for this file's ObjectID in the MoveTable, but if there is a file with the requested ObjectID on one of the server's volumes, and the FileID on that file is all zeros.<12>

    The server MUST set the output parameters as follows:

    pdroidBirthNext: The value of the FileID for the found file.

    pdroidNext: The FileLocation of the file found by the server.

    pmcidNext: The MachineID of the server computer.

    ptszPath: A UNC of the file on the server computer.

  • Other negative return values: A negative value other than those mentioned above MUST be returned if none of the preceding cases is met. The server MUST NOT modify any of the output parameters.