Compartilhar via Completion of DELETE_NOTIFY Message

If this request succeeds:

  • Each of the FileIDs in the original message MUST be removed from the PendingDeleteNotificationList.

  • If there are remaining entries in that list, the client MUST send another DELETE_NOTIFY message to the server, as specified in section

  • If there are no remaining entries, but there are entries in the PrePendingDeleteNotificationList, then all entries from the PrePendingDeleteNotificationList MUST be moved to the PendingDeleteNotificationList, and the DeleteNotificationTimer MUST be restarted.

If the request fails:

  • The client MUST restart the DeleteNotificationTimer.

  • All entries remaining in the PrePendingDeleteNotificationList MUST be removed. If there are entries in the PrePendingDeleteNotificationList, then all entries from the PrePendingDeleteNotificationList MUST be moved to the PendingDeleteNotificationList, and the DeleteNotificationTimer MUST be restarted.