Compartilhar via ApiExecuteReadBatchEx (Opnum 157)

(Protocol Version 3)

The ApiExecuteReadBatchEx method SHOULD<132> instruct the server to perform a series of cluster registry value read operations, relative to the designated key on the cluster registry.

The server MUST handle this method as specified for ApiExecuteReadBatch (section except as follows. The server MUST determine whether the bit-wise AND of the flags parameter with CLUSREG_DATABASE_ISOLATE_READ (0x00000002) is nonzero. If so, the server MUST ensure that the values returned by the read operation are isolated from concurrent writes; for instance via ApiSetValue (section That is, the values returned by the server for ApiExecuteReadBatchEx MUST reflect the cluster state from either before all concurrent writes or from after all concurrent writes.

 error_status_t ApiExecuteReadBatchEx(
   [in] HKEY_RPC hKey,
   [in] DWORD cbInData,
   [in, size_is(cbInData)] const UCHAR* lpInData,
   [in] DWORD flags,
   [out] DWORD* cbOutData,
   [out, size_is(,*cbOutData)] UCHAR** lpOutData,
   [out] error_status_t *rpc_status

hKey: As specified for hKey in ApiExecuteReadBatch (section

cbInData: As specified for cbInData in ApiExecuteReadBatch.

lpInData: As specified for lpInData in ApiExecuteReadBatch.

flags: Indicates that the server MUST isolate the batch read from concurrent writes, if the bit-wise AND of flags with 0x00000002 (CLUSREG_DATABASE_ISOLATE_READ) is nonzero.

cbOutData: As specified for cbOutData in ApiExecuteReadBatch.

lpOutData: As specified for lpOutData in ApiExecuteReadBatch.

rpc_status: As specified for rpc_status in ApiExecuteReadBatch.

Return Values: As specified for Return Values in ApiExecuteReadBatch.