6 Appendix A: Product Behavior
The information in this specification is applicable to the following Microsoft products or supplemental software. References to product versions include updates to those products.
Windows NT 4.0 operating system Option Pack for Windows NT Server
Windows 2000 operating system
Windows XP operating system
Windows Server 2003 operating system
Windows Server 2003 R2 operating system
Windows Vista operating system
Windows Server 2008 operating system
Windows 7 operating system
Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system
Windows 8 operating system
Windows Server 2012 operating system
Windows 8.1 operating system
Windows Server 2012 R2 operating system
Windows 10 operating system
Windows Server 2016 operating system
Windows Server operating system
Windows Server 2019 operating system
Windows Server 2022 operating system
Windows 11 operating system
Windows Server 2025 operating system
Exceptions, if any, are noted in this section. If an update version, service pack or Knowledge Base (KB) number appears with a product name, the behavior changed in that update. The new behavior also applies to subsequent updates unless otherwise specified. If a product edition appears with the product version, behavior is different in that product edition.
Unless otherwise specified, any statement of optional behavior in this specification that is prescribed using the terms "SHOULD" or "SHOULD NOT" implies product behavior in accordance with the SHOULD or SHOULD NOT prescription. Unless otherwise specified, the term "MAY" implies that the product does not follow the prescription.
<1> Section This key is required in Windows, except not in Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack, Windows 2000, and Windows XP operating system Service Pack 1 (SP1).
<2> Section In 64-bit Windows, this field contains 4 bytes of padding (containing non-deterministic values), followed by an 8-byte unsigned integer. Therefore, the total size of the field is 12 bytes.
<3> Section SPX is only supported on Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003.
<4> Section Subkey values for the "<EndpointRegistryPath>\<MSDTCUIS_GUID>\CustomProperties" Key are present by default on Windows NT Server 4.0 operating system, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Otherwise, the subkey values are not present.
<5> Section 2.2.4: On Windows clients, including Windows Server 2003, "MSDTC" is the only supported service name. On applicable Windows Server releases, except Windows Server 2003, both the "MSDTC" and "MSDTC$ <GUID>" service names are supported, where <GUID> represents the Cluster Resource ID.
<6> Section 3.3.1: In 64-bit Windows, this field contains 4 bytes of padding (containing nondeterministic values), followed by an 8-byte unsigned integer. Therefore, the total size of the field is 12 bytes.
<7> Section In Windows NT 4.0 operating system, Windows 2000, and Windows XP SP1 "No Security" is the default security level used. Otherwise, "Mutual Authentication" is used by default on Windows.
<8> Section In Windows, the number of elements in this list does not exceed 30.
<9> Section In Windows, the number of elements in this list does not exceed 30.
<10> Section 5: In Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP SP1 "No Security" is the default security level used. Otherwise, "Mutual Authentication" is used by default on Windows.