Trace String
This event MUST be signaled with the following arguments:
Severity: A TRACE_SEVERITY_LEVEL enumeration value specifying the severity of the event.
Source: A 4-byte unsigned integer value specifying the implementation-specific source of the trace event (see the dwSource field in section for more details).
MessageString: An implementation-specific, null-terminated ANSI string describing the trace event (see the szMsg field in section for more details).
If the Trace String event is signaled, the Management Server MUST perform the following actions:
If the event MUST be traced, as specified in section, then, for each connection in the Management Connections list, send an MSG_DTCUIC_TRACESTRING message using the connection:
The dwSev field MUST be set to the value of the Severity argument.
The dwSource field MUST be set to the value of the Source argument.
The szMsg field of the message MUST be set to the MessageString argument.