Compartilhar via Unique Names




This name is used by all browser clients to receive second-class mailslot ([MS-MAIL] section 3.2) messages. A system MUST register this NetBIOS name to receive browser mailslot messages intended for browser clients. The only browser requests that use this name are GetBackupListResponse (section 2.2.5), MasterAnnouncement (section 2.2.8), and LocalMasterAnnouncement (section 2.2.10) frames. NetBIOS name registration is as specified in [RFC1001] section 5.2.

Historical note: The NetBIOS suffix 0x00 was chosen because all computers implementing the CIFS Workstation service were (and still are) required to have that name registered with the NetBIOS name server; therefore, the name was guaranteed to be present on all computers.


See entry for <computer>[0x00]

Historical note: The NetBIOS suffix 0x20 was chosen because all computers implementing the CIFS Server service were (and still are) required to have that name registered with the NetBIOS name server; therefore, the name was guaranteed to be present on all computers. This is significant, because certain implementations of NetBIOS severely limited the number of NetBIOS names that could be registered on any given computer, and using an already existing name meant that an additional name could be registered.

<machine group>[0x1D]

This name is used to identify a local master browser server for <machine group> on a subnet. A local master browser server MUST register this name as a NetBIOS unique name (as opposed to a group name). The only requests that use this name are GetBackupListRequest (section 2.2.4), AnnouncementRequest (section 2.2.2), and HostAnnouncement (section 2.2.1) requests.<7>


This name MUST be added by the PDC as a unique name. All other servers MUST refrain from adding this name. This name is used to identify the domain master browser server for <domain>. A PDC responds to the GetBackupListRequest (section 2.2.4) request on this name.<8>