Compartilhar via Navigation Nodes

There are two types of navigation nodes: type zero and type 1.

Type zero navigation nodes link to files or folders in the site collection that contains the site (2). These are automatically made visible or hidden when rendering the links, based on whether the files or folders are accessible to the user. Also, any changes to the URL of the file or folder are updated automatically for this type of navigation node. The navigation structure of a site (2) can only have one type zero navigation node pointing to a file or folder, unless the navigation node has its ChildOfLinkBar property set to 1.

Type 1 navigation nodes link to literal URL strings. A literal URL can point to files or folders in the site collection that contains the site (2), such as type zero navigation nodes, but they are treated as literal URLs to external Web sites and do not get the automatic behaviors described earlier for type zero navigation nodes.

Navigation nodes have the following properties that distinguish their behavior.

LinkBar: A navigation node that has this property set to 1 defines a set of related navigation nodes. Only type 1 navigation nodes can have this property set to 1. Child objects of such a navigation node can be of either type zero or type 1, and they have the ChildOfLinkBar property set to 1.

ChildOfLinkBar: This property is set to 1 for any navigation node whose parent has the LinkBar property set to 1.

NonNavPage: If this property is set to 1 on a navigation node, it is hidden when rendering the navigation node<1>.

Navigation nodes can be created as part of site creation by specifying them in the site definition. Navigation nodes can be added, moved, or deleted later by a user who has the required permissions.