Compartilhar via Revision Logs

The revision logs section contains a set of revision logs. Each revision log contains various revision records (section that a single user has made to a shared workbook (section 2.2.11) or a user action. Each revision log has a revision header (RRDHead (section 2.4.226)) and a tab identifier map (RRTabId (section 2.4.241)) that describes general information. The stUserName field of RRDHead (section 2.4.226)is the name of the user who made changes or performed an action for that particular log. If the revision log is meant to describe user changes (and not a user action), it will also contain other revision log content that will describe all the changes made by that user. This revision log stream ABNF also contains general information about the shared workbook (section 2.2.11) in RRDInfo (section 2.4.227), FileLock (section 2.4.116), and UsrExcl (section 2.4.339).