Compartilhar via PidTagAddressBookContainerId

Data type: PtypInteger32 ([MS-OXCDATA] section 2.11.1)

The PidTagAddressBookContainerId property ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.512) identifies an address book container on an address book server. Note that this property is a Minimal Entry ID. A value of 0 (zero) represents the Global Address List (GAL). If the value is nonzero, it is only a valid representation of the specific container. This representation lasts for the time that the connection to the address book server lasts, or, after disconnection from and reconnection to the same or another address book server, for as long as the new server identifies itself as having the same GUID. The server returns the GUID in the pServerGuid parameter of the NspiBind method,<7> as specified in [MS-NSPI] and [MS-OXNSPI] section, or in the ServerGuid field of the Bind request type response,<8> as specified in [MS-OXCMAPIHTTP] section

Because this property applies to a container in the hierarchy table, it is not present on objects in an offline address book (OAB). An OAB has its own structure for maintaining the hierarchy, using the OAB Public Folder Retrieval Protocol, as specified in [MS-OXPFOAB].