Trechos de código: Algoritmo QuickXorHash
Explicação do algoritmo
Um algoritmo de hash sem criptografia, rápido e simples, que aplica XORing nos bytes em um deslocamento circular.
Uma descrição de alto nível do algoritmo sem a introdução do tamanho é a seguinte:
Digamos que um "bloco" seja uma matriz de 20 bytes.
method block zero():
returns a block with all zero bits.
method block reverse(block b)
returns a block with all of the bytes reversed (00010203... => ...03020100)
method block extend8(byte b):
returns a block with all zero bits except for the lower 8 bits which come from b.
method block extend64(int64 i):
returns a block of all zero bits except for the lower 64 bits which come from i
and are in little-endian byte order.
method block rotate(block bl, int n):
returns bl rotated left by n bits.
method block xor(block bl1, block bl2):
returns a bitwise xor of bl1 with bl2
method block XorHash0(byte[] rgb):
block ret = zero()
for (int i = 0; i < rgb.Length; i ++)
ret = xor(ret, rotate(extend8(rgb[i]), i * 11))
returns reverse(ret)
entrypoint block XorHash(byte[] rgb):
returns xor(extend64(rgb.Length), XorHash0(rgb))
O hash final deve aplicar xor no tamanho dos dados com os bits menos significativos do bloco resultante.
Código de exemplo: C-Sharp
O exemplo de implementação também pode ser baixado.
public class QuickXorHash : System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm
private const int BitsInLastCell = 32;
private const byte Shift = 11;
private const int Threshold = 600;
private const byte WidthInBits = 160;
private UInt64[] _data;
private Int64 _lengthSoFar;
private int _shiftSoFar;
public QuickXorHash()
protected override void HashCore(byte[] array, int ibStart, int cbSize)
int currentShift = this._shiftSoFar;
// The bitvector where we'll start xoring
int vectorArrayIndex = currentShift / 64;
// The position within the bit vector at which we begin xoring
int vectorOffset = currentShift % 64;
int iterations = Math.Min(cbSize, QuickXorHash.WidthInBits);
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
bool isLastCell = vectorArrayIndex == this._data.Length - 1;
int bitsInVectorCell = isLastCell ? QuickXorHash.BitsInLastCell : 64;
// There's at least 2 bitvectors before we reach the end of the array
if (vectorOffset <= bitsInVectorCell - 8)
for (int j = ibStart + i; j < cbSize + ibStart; j += QuickXorHash.WidthInBits)
this._data[vectorArrayIndex] ^= (ulong)array[j] << vectorOffset;
int index1 = vectorArrayIndex;
int index2 = isLastCell ? 0 : (vectorArrayIndex + 1);
byte low = (byte)(bitsInVectorCell - vectorOffset);
byte xoredByte = 0;
for (int j = ibStart + i; j < cbSize + ibStart; j += QuickXorHash.WidthInBits)
xoredByte ^= array[j];
this._data[index1] ^= (ulong)xoredByte << vectorOffset;
this._data[index2] ^= (ulong)xoredByte >> low;
vectorOffset += QuickXorHash.Shift;
while (vectorOffset >= bitsInVectorCell)
vectorArrayIndex = isLastCell ? 0 : vectorArrayIndex + 1;
vectorOffset -= bitsInVectorCell;
// Update the starting position in a circular shift pattern
this._shiftSoFar = (this._shiftSoFar + QuickXorHash.Shift * (cbSize % QuickXorHash.WidthInBits)) % QuickXorHash.WidthInBits;
this._lengthSoFar += cbSize;
protected override byte[] HashFinal()
// Create a byte array big enough to hold all our data
byte[] rgb = new byte[(QuickXorHash.WidthInBits - 1) / 8 + 1];
// Block copy all our bitvectors to this byte array
for (Int32 i = 0; i < this._data.Length - 1; i++)
BitConverter.GetBytes(this._data[i]), 0,
rgb, i * 8,
BitConverter.GetBytes(this._data[this._data.Length - 1]), 0,
rgb, (this._data.Length - 1) * 8,
rgb.Length - (this._data.Length - 1) * 8);
// XOR the file length with the least significant bits
// Note that GetBytes is architecture-dependent, so care should
// be taken with porting. The expected value is 8-bytes in length in little-endian format
var lengthBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(this._lengthSoFar);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lengthBytes.Length == 8);
for (int i = 0; i < lengthBytes.Length; i++)
rgb[(QuickXorHash.WidthInBits / 8) - lengthBytes.Length + i] ^= lengthBytes[i];
return rgb;
public override sealed void Initialize()
this._data = new ulong[(QuickXorHash.WidthInBits - 1) / 64 + 1];
this._shiftSoFar = 0;
this._lengthSoFar = 0;
public override int HashSize
return QuickXorHash.WidthInBits;