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Propriedade ToggleButton.TripleState (Script do Outlook Forms)

Returns or sets a Boolean that determines whether a user can specify, from the user interface, the Null state for a ToggleButton. Leitura/gravação.


expressão. TripleState

Expressão Uma variável que representa um objeto ToggleButton .


True if the control clicks through three states, False if the control only supports two states, True and False (default).

When the TripleState property is True, a user can choose from the values of Null, True, and False. The null value is displayed as a shaded button.

When TripleState is False, the user can choose either True or False.

A control set to Null does not initiate the Click event.

Regardless of the property setting, the Null value can always be assigned programmatically to a ToggleButton, causing that control to appear shaded.

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