Evento CheckBox.Click (Script do Outlook Forms)
Ocorre quando o usuário clica dentro do controle.
expressão. Clique
Expressão Uma variável que representa um objeto CheckBox .
The following are examples of actions that initiate the Click event of the specified control:
Clicking a blank area of a form or a disabled control (other than a list box) on the form.
Clicking a control with the left mouse button (left-clicking).
Pressing a control's accelerator key.
For some controls, the Click event occurs when the Value property changes. However, using the PropertyChange or CustomPropertyChange event is the preferred technique for detecting a new value for a property. Veja a seguir exemplos de ações que iniciam o evento Click devido à atribuição de um novo valor a um controle: clicar em uma Caixa de Seleção, pressionar a BARRA DE ESPAÇO quando a caixa de seleção tiver o foco, pressionar a chave do acelerador ou alterar o valor do controle no código.
The Click event is not initiated when Value is set to Null.
Left-clicking changes the value of a control, thus it initiates the Click event. Right-clicking does not change the value of the control, so it does not initiate the Click event.
If you bind a CheckBox to a field, then the Click event does not fire. You need to use the PropertyChange or CustomPropertyChange event to detect the change via code, as in the following code sample:
Sub Item_PropertyChange(ByVal Name)
Set MyListBox = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("Message").Controls("CheckBox1")
Select Case Name
Case "Mileage"
Item.CC = MyCheckBox.Value
Item.Subject = MyCheckBox.Value
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
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