Exemplo do Catálogo (VB)
Aplica-se ao: Access 2013 | Access 2016
Este projeto do Visual Basic cria um novo cubo usando o MDX. Em seguida, ele documenta a estrutura de um cubo em um documento do Microsoft Word.
Sub cmdCreateDocForCube_Click()
On Error GoTo Error_cmdCreateDocForCube_Click
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim s As String
Dim strProvider As String
Dim strDataSource As String
Dim strSourceDSN As String
Dim strSourceDSNSuffix As String
Dim strCreateCube As String
Dim strInsertInto As String
'* The following code builds a cube file then documents the properties
'* with an OLE Connection to Word 8.0
'* Add Provider to the connection string.
strProvider = "PROVIDER=MSOLAP"
'* Add DataSource, the name of the file we will create.
strDataSource = "DATA SOURCE=c:\DocumentCube.cub"
'* Add Source DSN, the connection string for where the data comes from.
'* We need to quote the value so it is parsed as one value.
'* This can either be an ODBC connection string or an OLE DB connection
'* string. (As returned by the Data Source Locator component.)
strSourceDSN = "SOURCE_DSN=FoodMart 2000"
'* Add CREATE CUBE. This defines the structure of the cube, but not the
'* data in it. The BNF for is documented in the OLE DB for OLAP
'* Programmer's Reference. Note that we can quote names with either
'* double quotes or square brackets.
strCreateCube = "CREATECUBE=CREATE CUBE Sample( "
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "DIMENSION [Product],"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [All Products] TYPE ALL,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Product Family] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Product Department] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Product Category] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Product Subcategory] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Brand Name] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Product Name] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "DIMENSION [Store],"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [All Stores] TYPE ALL,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Store Country] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Store State] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Store City] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Store Name] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "DIMENSION [Store Type],"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & _
"LEVEL [All Store Type] TYPE ALL,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Store Type] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "DIMENSION [Time] TYPE TIME,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "HIERARCHY [Column],"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [All Time] TYPE ALL,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Year] TYPE YEAR,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Quarter] TYPE QUARTER,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Month] TYPE MONTH,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Week] TYPE WEEK,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Day] TYPE DAY,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "HIERARCHY [Formula],"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & _
"LEVEL [All Formula Time] TYPE ALL,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Year] TYPE YEAR,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Quarter] TYPE QUARTER,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & _
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "DIMENSION [Warehouse],"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & _
"LEVEL [All Warehouses] TYPE ALL,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Country] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [State Province] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [City] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "LEVEL [Warehouse Name] ,"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "MEASURE [Store Invoice] "
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "Function Sum "
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "Format '#.#',"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "MEASURE [Supply Time] "
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "Function Sum "
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "Format '#.#',"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "MEASURE [Warehouse Cost] "
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "Function Sum "
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "Format '#.#',"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "MEASURE [Warehouse Sales] "
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "Function Sum "
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "Format '#.#',"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "MEASURE [Units Shipped] "
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "Function Sum "
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "Format '#.#',"
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "MEASURE [Units Ordered] "
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "Function Sum "
strCreateCube = strCreateCube & "Format '#.#')"
'* Add INSERT INTO. This defines where the data comes from, and how it
'* maps into the already-defined cube structure. Note that the SELECT
'* clause might just be passed through to the relational database.
'* So I could pass in a stored procedure, for example. If we needed to,
'* we could quote this whole thing. Note that the columns in the SELECT
'* can be in any order. One merely has to adjust the ordering of the
'* list of level/measure names to match the SELECT ordering.
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"Product.[Product Family], Product.[Product Department],"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"Product.[Product Category], Product.[Product Subcategory],"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"Product.[Brand Name], Product.[Product Name],"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"Store.[Store Country], Store.[Store State], Store.[Store City],"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"Store.[Store Name], [Store Type].[Store Type], [Time].[Column],"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"[Time].Formula.Year, [Time].Formula.Quarter, " & _
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"[Time].Formula.Month.Name, Warehouse.Country, " & _
"Warehouse.[State Province],"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"Warehouse.City, Warehouse.[Warehouse Name], " & _
"Measures.[Store Invoice],"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"Measures.[Supply Time], Measures.[Warehouse Cost], " & _
"Measures.[Warehouse Sales],"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"Measures.[Units Shipped], Measures.[Units Ordered] )"
'* Add some options to the INSERT INTO if we need to. These can control
'* if the SELECT clause is analyzed or just passed through, and if the
'* storage mode is MOLAP or ROLAP (DEFER_DATA).
'* strInsertInto = strInsertInto & " OPTIONS ATTEMPT_ANALYSIS"
'* Add the SELECT clause of the INSERT INTO statement. Note that it is
'* merely concatenated onto the end of the INSERT INTO statement. OLAP
'* Services will pass this through to the source database if unable to
'* parse it. Note that for OLAP Services to analyze the SELECT clause,
'* each column must be qualified with the table name.
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"SELECT product_class.product_family AS Col1,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"product_class.product_department AS Col2,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "product_class.product_category AS Col3,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"product_class.product_subcategory AS Col4,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "product.brand_name AS Col5,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "product.product_name AS Col6,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "store.store_country AS Col7,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "store.store_state AS Col8,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "store.store_city AS Col9,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "store.store_name AS Col10,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "store.store_type AS Col11,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "time_by_day.the_date AS Col12,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "time_by_day.the_year AS Col13,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "time_by_day.quarter AS Col14,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "time_by_day.month_of_year AS Col15,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "time_by_day.the_month AS Col16,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "warehouse.warehouse_country AS Col17,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"warehouse.warehouse_state_province AS Col18,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "warehouse.warehouse_city AS Col19,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & "warehouse.warehouse_name AS Col20,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"inventory_fact_1997.store_invoice AS Col21,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"inventory_fact_1997.supply_time AS Col22,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"inventory_fact_1997.warehouse_cost AS Col23,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"inventory_fact_1997.warehouse_sales AS Col24,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"inventory_fact_1997.units_shipped AS Col25,"
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"inventory_fact_1997.units_ordered AS Col26 "
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"From [inventory_fact_1997], [product], [product_class], " & _
"[time_by_day], [store], [warehouse] "
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"Where [inventory_fact_1997].[product_id] = [product]." & _
"[product_id] And "
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"[product].[product_class_id] = [product_class]." & _
"[product_class_id] And "
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"[inventory_fact_1997].[time_id] = [time_by_day].[time_id] And "
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"[inventory_fact_1997].[store_id] = [store].[store_id] And "
strInsertInto = strInsertInto & _
"[inventory_fact_1997].[warehouse_id] = [warehouse].[warehouse_id]"
'* Create the cube by passing connection string to Open.
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
s = strProvider & ";" & strDataSource & ";" & strSourceDSN & ";" & _
strCreateCube & ";" & strInsertInto & ";"
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
cn.Open s
'* Cube file is written to hard drive a Word Document can be produced by
'* automating Word with VB
Dim cat As New ADOMD.Catalog
Dim cdf As ADOMD.CubeDef
Dim i As Integer
Dim di As Integer
Dim hi As Integer
Dim le As Integer
Dim mem As Integer
Dim docWord As Word.Document
Dim rngCurrent As Word.Range
Dim SenCount As Integer
Dim strServer As String
Dim strSource As String
Dim strCubeName As String
Dim appWord As Object
'* Connection is made to cube file
cat.ActiveConnection = "DATA SOURCE=c:\DocumentCube.cub;Provider=msolap;"
'* Cube Definition is set to Name of Cube in cube file
Set cdf = cat.CubeDefs("Sample")
'* Object is created to hold Word
Set appWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
'* Create the document variable
Set docWord = appWord.Documents.Add()
Set rngCurrent = docWord.Content
SenCount = 0
'* Cube Title and Header written to Document
With rngCurrent
.InsertAfter "Report for Sample Cube"
.InsertAfter vbCrLf
SenCount = SenCount + 1
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Bold = True
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Underline = wdUnderlineSingle
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Italic = False
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Font.Size = 18
'* Properties of Cube are written to Document
Debug.Print "Properties of Cube are written to Document"
For i = 0 To cdf.Properties.Count - 1
.InsertAfter "(" & i & ") " & cdf.Properties(i).Name & ": " & _
.InsertAfter vbCrLf
SenCount = SenCount + 1
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Bold = False
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Italic = True
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Font.Size = 8
Next i
'* Dimension Name(s) written to Document
Debug.Print "Dimension Name(s) written to Document"
For di = 0 To cdf.Dimensions.Count - 1
.InsertAfter "Dimension: " & cdf.Dimensions(di).Name
.InsertAfter vbCrLf
SenCount = SenCount + 1
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Bold = True
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Italic = False
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Font.Size = 14
'* Properties of Dimension are written to Document
Debug.Print "Properties of Dimension are written to Document"
For i = 0 To cdf.Dimensions(di).Properties.Count - 1
.InsertAfter "(" & i & ") " & _
cdf.Dimensions(di).Properties(i).Name & ": " & _
.InsertAfter vbCrLf
SenCount = SenCount + 1
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Bold = False
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Italic = True
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Font.Size = 8
Next i
'* Hierarchy Name(s) written to Document
Debug.Print "Hierarchy Name(s) written to Document"
For hi = 0 To cdf.Dimensions(di).Hierarchies.Count - 1
.InsertAfter vbTab & "Hierarchy: " & _
.InsertAfter vbCrLf
SenCount = SenCount + 1
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Bold = True
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Italic = False
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Font.Size = 12
'* Properties of Hierarchy are written to Document
Debug.Print "Properties of Hierarchy are written to Document"
For i = 0 To cdf.Dimensions(di).Hierarchies(hi).Properties.Count - 1
.InsertAfter vbTab & "(" & i & ") " & _
cdf.Dimensions(di).Hierarchies(hi).Properties(i).Name & _
": " & cdf.Dimensions(di).Hierarchies(hi).Properties(i).Value
.InsertAfter vbCrLf
SenCount = SenCount + 1
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Bold = False
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Italic = True
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Font.Size = 8
Next i
'* Level Name(s) written to Document
Debug.Print "Level Name(s) written to Document"
For le = 0 To cdf.Dimensions(di).Hierarchies(hi).Levels.Count - 1
.InsertAfter vbTab & vbTab & "Level: " & _
cdf.Dimensions(di).Hierarchies(hi).Levels(le).Name & _
" with a Member Count of: " & _
.InsertAfter vbCrLf
SenCount = SenCount + 1
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Bold = True
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Italic = False
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Font.Size = 10
'* Properties of Level are written to Document
Debug.Print "Properties of Level are written to Document"
For i = 0 To _
cdf.Dimensions(di).Hierarchies(hi).Levels(le).Properties.Count - 1
.InsertAfter vbTab & vbTab & "(" & i & ") " & _
cdf.Dimensions(di).Hierarchies(hi).Levels(le).Properties(i).Name & ": " & _
.InsertAfter vbCrLf
SenCount = SenCount + 1
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Bold = False
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Italic = True
docWord.Paragraphs(SenCount).Range.Font.Size = 8
Next i
Next le
Next hi
Next di
'* Set Word Document to visible
Debug.Print "Set Word Document to visible"
appWord.Visible = True
End With
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
'* Set Word Object to nothing to drop OLE connection
Set appWord = Nothing
Exit Sub
Set cn = Nothing
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Confira também
- Fórum do Access para desenvolvedores
- Ajuda do Access em support.office.com
- Ajuda do Access em answers.microsoft.com
- Fóruns do Access no UtterAccess
- Central de ajuda da programação VBA e desenvolvedor do Access (FMS)
- Postagens do Access no StackOverflow
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