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Exemplo do método Move (VBScript)

Aplica-se ao: Access 2013, Office 2013

Este exemplo utiliza o método Move para posicionar o ponteiro do registro, com base na entrada do usuário.

Utilize o exemplo a seguir em um Active Server Page (ASP).

Utilize Find para localizar o arquivo e coloque-o no diretório que planeja utilizar. Recorte e cole o código a seguir no Bloco de Notas ou em outro editor de texto e salve-o como MoveVBS.asp. É possível ver o resultado em qualquer navegador.

Tente digitar uma letra ou um não-inteiro para ver o tratamento de erros funcionar.

<!-- BeginMoveVBS --> 
<%@ Language=VBScript %> 
<%' use this meta tag instead of> 
<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" uuid="00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" --> 
<TITLE>ADO Move Methods</TITLE> 
   font-family: "MS SANS SERIF",sans-serif; 
.thead1 { 
   background-color: #008080;  
   font-family: 'Arial Narrow','Arial',sans-serif;  
   font-size: x-small; 
   color: white; 
.tbody {  
   text-align: center; 
   background-color: #f7efde; 
   font-family: 'Arial Narrow','Arial',sans-serif;  
   font-size: x-small; 
<H3>ADO Move Methods</H3> 
<% ' to integrate/test this code replace the  
   ' Data Source value in the Connection string%> 
    ' connection and recordset variables 
    Dim Cnxn, strCnxn 
    Dim rsCustomers, strSQLCustomers 
    ' open connection 
    Set Cnxn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 
    strCnxn = "Provider='sqloledb';Data Source=" & _ 
            Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & ";" & _ 
            "Integrated Security='SSPI';Initial Catalog='Northwind';" 
    Cnxn.Open strCnxn 
     ' create and open Recordset using object refs 
    Set rsCustomers = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 
    strSQLCustomers = "Customers" 
    rsCustomers.ActiveConnection = Cnxn 
    rsCustomers.CursorLocation = adUseClient 
    rsCustomers.CursorType = adOpenKeyset 
    rsCustomers.LockType = adLockOptimistic 
    rsCustomers.Source = strSQLCustomers 
    'Check number of user moves this session and increment by entry 
    Session("Clicks") = Session("Clicks") + Request.Form("MoveAmount") 
    Clicks = Session("Clicks") 
    ' Move to last known recordset position plus amount passed  
    rsCustomers.Move CInt(Clicks) 
    'Error Handling 
    If rsCustomers.EOF Then 
        Session("Clicks") = rsCustomers.RecordCount 
        Response.Write "This is the Last Record" 
    ElseIf rsCustomers.BOF Then 
        Session("Clicks") = 1 
        Response.Write "This is the First Record" 
    End If 
    <H3>Current Record Number is <BR> 
    If Session("Clicks") = 0 Then Session("Clicks") = 1 
    Response.Write(Session("Clicks") )%> of <%=rsCustomers.RecordCount%></H3> 
    <!-- BEGIN column header row for Customer Table--> 
    <TR CLASS=thead1> 
       <TD>Company Name</TD> 
       <TD>Contact Name</TD> 
        <% 'display%> 
        <TR CLASS=tbody> 
          <TD> <%= rsCustomers("CompanyName")%> </TD> 
          <TD> <%= rsCustomers("ContactName")%></TD> 
          <TD> <%= rsCustomers("City")%> </TD> 
    <Input Type=Button Name=cmdDown  Value="&lt;  "> 
    <Input Type=Button Name=cmdUp Value=" &gt;"> 
    <H5>Click Direction Arrows for Previous or Next Record 
    <BR> <BR> 
    <FORM Method = Post Action="MoveVbs.asp" Name=Form> 
           <TD><Input Type="Button" Name=Move Value="Move Amount "></TD> 
           <TD><Input Type="Text" Size="4" Name="MoveAmount" Value=0></TD> 

    Click Move Amount to use Move Method<br> 
    Enter Number of Records to Move + or - </H5>    </FORM> 
<Script Language = "VBScript"> 
Sub Move_OnClick 
   ' Make sure move value entered is an integer 
   If IsNumeric(Document.Form.MoveAmount.Value)Then 
      Document.Form.MoveAmount.Value = CInt(Document.Form.MoveAmount.Value) 
      MsgBox "You Must Enter a Number", ,"ADO-ASP Example" 
      Document.Form.MoveAmount.Value = 0 
   End If 
End Sub 
Sub cmdDown_OnClick 
   Document.Form.MoveAmount.Value = -1 
End Sub 
Sub cmdUp_OnClick 
   Document.Form.MoveAmount.Value = 1 
End Sub 
    ' clean up 
    If rsCustomers.State = adStateOpen then 
    End If 
    If Cnxn.State = adStateOpen then 
    End If 
<!-- EndMoveVBS -->