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Exemplo dos métodos Append e ChangePassword de Groups and Users (VC++)

Aplica-se ao: Access 2013, Office 2013

Este exemplo demonstra o método Append de Grupos, bem como o método Append de Usuários adicionando um novo Group e um novo User ao sistema. O novo Group é acrescentado à coleção Groups do novo User. Consequentemente, o novo User é adicionado ao Group. Além disso, o método ChangePassword é usado para especificar a senha do User.

// BeginGroupCpp 
#import "c:\Program Files\Common Files\system\ado\msadox.dll" no_namespace 
#include "iostream.h" 
#include "stdio.h" 
#include "conio.h" 
//Function declarations 
void GroupX(void); 
inline void TESTHR(HRESULT x) {if FAILED(x) _com_issue_error(x);}; 
// // 
// Main Function // 
// // 
void main() 
// // 
// GroupX Function // 
// // 
void GroupX(void) 
 HRESULT hr = S_OK; 
 // Define ADOX object pointers. 
 // Initialize pointers on define. 
 // These are in the ADOX:: namespace. 
 _CatalogPtr m_pCatalog = NULL; 
 _UserPtr m_pUserNew = NULL; 
 _UserPtr m_pUser = NULL; 
 _GroupPtr m_pGroup = NULL; 
 // Define String Variables. 
 _bstr_t strCnn("Provider='Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0';" 
 "Data source = 'c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\" 
 "jet oledb:system database='c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\" 
 TESTHR(hr = m_pCatalog.CreateInstance(__uuidof (Catalog))); 
 // Create and append new group with a string. 
 // Create and append new user with an object. 
 TESTHR(hr = m_pUserNew.CreateInstance(__uuidof(User))); 
 m_pUserNew->PutName("Pat Smith"); 
 _variant_t((IDispatch *)m_pUserNew),""); 
 // Make the user Pat Smith a member of the 
 // Accounting group by creating and adding the 
 // appropriate Group object to the user's Groups 
 // collection.The same is accomplished if a User 
 // object representing Pat Smith is created and 
 // appended to the Accounting group Users collection 
 // Enumerate all User objects in the 
 // catalog's Users collection. 
 long lUsrIndex; 
 long lGrpIndex; 
 _variant_t vIndex; 
 for (lUsrIndex=0; lUsrIndex<m_pCatalog->Users->Count; lUsrIndex++) 
 vIndex = lUsrIndex; 
 m_pUser = m_pCatalog->Users->GetItem(vIndex); 
 cout<<" "<<m_pUser->Name <<endl; 
 cout<<" Belongs to these groups:"<<endl; 
 // Enumerate all Group objects in each User 
 // object's Groups collection. 
 if(m_pUser->Groups->Count != 0) 
 vIndex = lGrpIndex; 
 m_pGroup = m_pUser->Groups->GetItem(vIndex); 
 cout<<" "<< m_pGroup->Name<<endl; 
 cout<<" [None]"<<endl; 
 // Enumerate all Group objects in the default 
 // workspace's Groups collection. 
 for (lGrpIndex=0; lGrpIndex<m_pCatalog->Groups->Count; lGrpIndex++) 
 vIndex = lGrpIndex; 
 m_pGroup = m_pCatalog->Groups->GetItem(vIndex); 
 cout<<" "<< m_pGroup->Name <<endl; 
 cout<<" Has as its members:"<<endl; 
 // Enumerate all User objects in each Group 
 // object's Users Collection. 
 if(m_pGroup->Users->Count != 0) 
 for (lUsrIndex=0; lUsrIndex<m_pGroup->Users->Count; lUsrIndex++) 
 vIndex = lUsrIndex; 
 m_pUser = m_pGroup->Users->GetItem(vIndex); 
 cout<<" "<<m_pUser->Name<<endl; 
 cout<<" [None]"<<endl; 
 // Delete new User and Group object because this 
 // is only a demonstration. 
 m_pCatalog->Users->Delete("Pat Smith"); 
 catch(_com_error &e) 
 // Notify the user of errors if any. 
 _bstr_t bstrSource(e.Source()); 
 _bstr_t bstrDescription(e.Description()); 
 printf("\n\tSource : %s \n\tdescription : %s \n ", 
 cout << "Error occured in include files...."<< endl; 
// EndGroupCpp