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CoreWebView2ReleaseChannels Enum

Specifies the WebView2 release channel. Use ReleaseChannels and ChannelSearchKind on CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions to control which channel the WebView2 loader searches for.

Channel Primary purpose How often updated with new features
Stable (WebView2 Runtime) Broad Deployment Monthly
Beta Flighting with inner rings, automated testing Monthly
Dev Automated testing, selfhosting to test new APIs and features Weekly
Canary Automated testing, selfhosting to test new APIs and features Daily
Name Value Description
None 0x0 No release channel. ReleaseChannels will be ignored if only this value is passed.
Stable 0x1 The stable WebView2 Runtime that is released every 4 weeks.
Beta 0x2 The Beta release channel that is released every 4 weeks, a week before the stable release.
Dev 0x4 The Dev release channel that is released weekly.
Canary 0x8 The Canary release channel that is released daily.

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