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interface ICoreWebView2_26


This reference is no longer being maintained. For the latest API reference, see WebView2 API Reference.

interface ICoreWebView2_26
  : public ICoreWebView2_25

This is the ICoreWebView2_26 interface.


Members Descriptions
add_SaveFileSecurityCheckStarting Adds an event handler for the SaveFileSecurityCheckStarting event.
remove_SaveFileSecurityCheckStarting Removes an event handler previously added with add_SaveFileSecurityCheckStarting.

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 Win32 1.0.2849.39
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease 1.0.2895



Adds an event handler for the SaveFileSecurityCheckStarting event.

public HRESULT add_SaveFileSecurityCheckStarting(ICoreWebView2SaveFileSecurityCheckStartingEventHandler * eventHandler, EventRegistrationToken * token)

This event will be raised during system FileTypePolicy checking the dangerous file extension list.

Developers can specify their own logic for determining whether to allow a particular type of file to be saved from the document origin URI. Developers can also determine the save decision based on other criteria.

Here are two properties in ICoreWebView2SaveFileSecurityCheckStartingEventArgs to manage the decision: CancelSave and SuppressDefaultPolicy. Table of Properties' value and result:

CancelSave SuppressDefaultPolicy Result
False False Perform the default policy check. It may show the
security warning UI if the file extension is
-------— ---— ------------------—
False True Skip the default policy check and the possible
security warning. Start saving or downloading.
-------— ---— ------------------—
True Any Skip the default policy check and the possible
security warning. Abort save or download.
// This example will register the event with two custom rules.
// 1. Suppressing file type policy, security dialog, and allows saving ".eml" files
// directly; when the URI is trusted. 
// 2. Showing customized warning UI when saving ".iso" files. It allows to block
// the saving directly.
bool ScenarioFileTypePolicy::SuppressPolicyForExtension()
    m_webView2_26 = m_webView2.try_query<ICoreWebView2_26>();
    if (!m_webView2_26)
        return false;
                ICoreWebView2* sender,
                ICoreWebView2SaveFileSecurityCheckStartingEventArgs* args)
                -> HRESULT
                // Get the file extension for file to be saved.
                // And convert the extension to lower case for a
                // case-insensitive comparasion.
                wil::unique_cotaskmem_string extension;
                std::wstring extension_lower = extension.get();
                    extension_lower.begin(), extension_lower.end(), extension_lower.begin(),

                // Suppress default policy for ".eml" file.
                if (wcscmp(extension_lower.c_str(), L".eml") == 0)

                // Cancel save/download for ".iso" file.
                if (wcscmp(extension_lower.c_str(), L".iso") == 0)
                    wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2Deferral> deferral;

                        [this, args = wil::make_com_ptr(args), deferral]()
                            // With the deferral, the cancel decision and
                            // message box can be replaced with a customized UI.
                                m_appWindow->GetMainWindow(), L"The saving has been blocked",
                                L"Info", MB_OK);
                return S_OK;

        (L"Example rules of Dangerous File Security Policy has been applied in this demo page"),
        L"Info", MB_OK);
    return true;


Removes an event handler previously added with add_SaveFileSecurityCheckStarting.

public HRESULT remove_SaveFileSecurityCheckStarting(EventRegistrationToken token)