Como implantar os bancos de dados do App-V usando scripts SQL
Use as seguintes instruções para usar scripts SQL, em vez do Instalador do Windows, para:
- Instalar os bancos de dados do App-V 5.1
- Atualizar os bancos de dados do App-V para uma versão posterior
Se você já implantou o banco de dados SP3 do App-V 5.0, os scripts SQL não serão necessários para atualizar para o App-V 5.1.
Como instalar os bancos de dados do App-V usando scripts SQL
Antes de instalar os scripts do banco de dados, examine e mantenha uma cópia dos termos de licença do App-V. Executando os scripts de banco de dados, você está concordando com os termos da licença. Se você não as aceitar, não deve usar esse software.
Copie a
da mídia de versão do App-V para um local temporário.Em um prompt de comando, execute
e especifique um local temporário para extrair os scripts de banco de dados.Exemplo:
appv_server_setup.exe /layout c:\<temporary location path>
Navegue até o local temporário que você criou, abra a pasta extraída
e examine o arquivo de Readme.txt apropriado para obter instruções:Banco de dados de gerenciamento:
subpastaBanco de dados de relatórios:
O arquivo readme.txt na ManagementDatabase
subpasta está desatualizado. As informações nos arquivos readme atualizados abaixo são as mais atuais e devem substituir as informações de readme fornecidas nas DatabaseScripts
O script InsertVersionInfo.sql não é necessário para versões do banco de dados de gerenciamento do App-V posteriores ao App-V 5.0 SP3.
Conteúdo do arquivo README do banco de dados de gerenciamento atualizado
Before you install and use the Application Virtualization Database Scripts you must:
1.Review the Microsoft Application Virtualization Server 5.0 license terms.
2.Print and retain a copy of the license terms for your records.
By running the Microsoft Application Virtualization Database Scripts you agree to such license terms. If you do not accept them, do not use the software.
Steps to install "AppVManagement" schema in SQL SERVER.
1. Review the installation package. The following files MUST exist:
SQL files
2. Ensure the target SQL Server instance and SQL Server Agent service are running.
3. If you are not running the scripts directly on the server, ensure the
necessary SQL Server client software is installed and available from
the specified location. Specifically, the "osql" command must
## be supported for these scripts to run.
1. Review the database.sql file and modify as necessary. Although the
defaults are likely sufficient, it is suggested that the following
settings be reviewed:
DATABASE - ensure name is satisfactory - default is "AppVManagement".
2. Review the Permissions.sql file and provide all the necessary account information
for setting up read and write access on the database. Note: Default settings
## in the file will not work.
1. Run the database.sql against the "master" database. Your user
credential must have the ability to create databases.
This script will create the database.
2. Run the following scripts against the "AppVManagement" database using the
same account as above in order.
## Permissions.sql
Conteúdo do arquivo README do banco de dados de relatórios atualizado
Before you install and use the Application Virtualization Database Scripts you must:
1.Review the Microsoft Application Virtualization Server 5.0 license terms.
2.Print and retain a copy of the license terms for your records.
By running the Microsoft Application Virtualization Database Scripts you agree to such license terms. If you do not accept them, do not use the software.
Steps to install "AppVReporting" schema in SQL SERVER.
1. Review the installation package. The following files MUST exist:
SQL files
2. Ensure the target SQL Server instance and SQL Server Agent service are running.
3. If you are not running the scripts directly on the server, ensure the
necessary SQL Server client software is installed and executable from
the location you have chosen. Specifically, the "osql" command must
## be supported for these scripts to run.
1. Review the database.sql file and modify as necessary. Although the
defaults are likely sufficient, it is suggested that the following
settings be reviewed:
DATABASE - ensure name is satisfactory - default is "AppVReporting".
2. Review the Permissions.sql file and provide all the necessary account information
for setting up read and write access on the database. Note: Default settings
in the file will not work.
3. Review the ScheduleReportingJob.sql file and make sure that the stored proc schedule
time is acceptable. The default stored proc schedule time is at 12.01 AM (line 84).
If this time is not suitable, you can change this to a more suitable time. The time is
## in the format HHMMSS.
1. Run the database.sql against the "master" database. Your user
credential must have the ability to create databases.
This script will create the database.
2. If upgrading the database, run UpgradeDatabase.sql This will upgrade database schema.
2. Run the following scripts against the "AppVReporting" database using the
same account as above in order.
## ScheduleReportingJob.sql