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Office.MailboxEnums.SendModeOverride enum

Especifica a opção de modo de envio que substitui a opção definida no manifesto no runtime.

Para obter informações sobre como implementar um suplemento alertas inteligentes, consulte Manipular eventos OnMessageSend e OnAppointmentSend no suplemento do Outlook com alertas inteligentes.


[ Conjunto de API: Caixa de correio 1.14 ]

Modo outlook aplicável: compose


// The following example checks whether a location is specified in an appointment before it's sent.
function onAppointmentSendHandler(event) {
    Office.context.mailbox.item.location.getAsync({ asyncContext: event }, (asyncResult) => {
        const event = asyncResult.asyncContext;
        if (asyncResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed) {
            // If the add-in is unable to retrieve the appointment's location, the appointment isn't sent.
            event.completed({ allowEvent: false, errorMessage: "Failed to get the appointment's location." });

        if (asyncResult.value === "") {
            // If no location is specified, the appointment isn't sent and the user is alerted to include a location.
                    allowEvent: false,
                    cancelLabel: "Add a location",
                    commandId: "msgComposeOpenPaneButton",
                    errorMessage: "Don't forget to add a meeting location.",
                    sendModeOverride: Office.MailboxEnums.SendModeOverride.PromptUser
        } else {
            // If a location is specified, the appointment is sent.
            event.completed({ allowEvent: true });


PromptUser = "promptUser"

Fornece a opção Enviar De qualquer maneira em uma caixa de diálogo Alertas Inteligentes quando o item de email não atende às condições do suplemento baseado em evento. Para saber mais, confira a opção de modo de envio do usuário prompt.