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Status Information

The Host Integration Server SNA Manager provides several types of status messages that can supplement other performance information.

  • You can see the status of servers, logical units (LUs), and connections (Active, Inactive, Pending, Stopping, Active [Out of Date], or Error) in the console tree by selecting the server of interest.

  • You can view the number of users and the number of sessions by double-clicking the relevant server. This information can be especially useful when combined with data from System Monitor.

  • Also on the SNA Manager, you can view the names of active 5250 users being supported by a particular local LU. If there is only one local LU per server, the names will include all users with active 5250 sessions on a particular server.

    For example, click Servers in the console tree to view the status of a given SNA subdomain. The status of the servers in that subdomain will appear in the details pane.

See Also

Host Integration Server Status