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Sense Data Specific to LU 6.2

The LU 6.2 sense codes are specified and interpreted by SNA components within Host Integration Server, and, in general, are presented as return codes and as parameters to specific verbs.

The following sense codes are carried on responses flowing on LU 6.2 sessions.

Code Meaning
0814 Bracket bid reject RTR forthcoming
0819 RTR not required receiver of RTR request has nothing to send
0835 Invalid parameter request contained a fixed or variable field that is invalid. Bytes 2 and 3 contain a 2-byte binary count which indexes the field error (zero origin)
0846 ERP message forthcoming: The received request was rejected for a reason to be specified in a forthcoming FMH-7 request which itself carries SNA sense data (see the following table for a list of these codes)
088B BB not accepted BIS reply requested
2010 BIS protocol error receiver detected a BIS error, for example, two BIS replies received

The following data is carried on an FMH-7 request, coming after the flow of a negative response X'0846'.

Code Meaning
1008 600B Resource failure no retry
1008 6021 Allocation error TPN not recognized
1008 6031 Allocation error PIP not allowed
1008 6032 Allocation error PIP not specified correctly
1008 6034 Allocation error conversation type mismatch
1008 6041 Allocation error sync level not supported by pgm
080F 6051 Allocation error security not valid
084B 6031 Allocation error trans pgm not available retry
084C 0000 Allocation error trans pgm not available no retry
0864 0000 Deallocate abend prog
0864 0001 Deallocate abend svc
0846 0002 Deallocate abend timer
0889 0000 Prog error no trunc or prog error purging
0889 0001 Prog error trunc
0889 0100 Svc error no trunc or svc error purging
0889 1001 Svc error trunc

See Also

SNA Sense Codes